
Technician, Bodgit & Scarper Ltd
Full Member
The following thread had a comment by Mr JohnnyCrash Esq. about using Calibre software to run RAVE on your iphone or Mac:

That triggered a comment by Datatek asking if it would work on an Android phone. I assume so because Johnny mentioned Kindle and I suspect the Kindle and Android are basically a tweaked version of Linux (?) and therefore related.

So, I decided to have a play. The first thing I discovered is that I appear to have 2 versions of RAVE on my PC, RAVE and RAVE-1. I do seem to remember downloading 2 versions when I first got my P38. I think RAVE is the one on land rover service factory manual RAVE download land rover resource, service manual, workshop factory manual, download, rave, vehicles including discovery, series, defender, range rover, freelander, LR3, Handbooks, Catalog, Catalogue, Land Rover Inte. RAVE-1 is the one my computer is setup to use and I note it has a folder called __MacOSX which presumably allows it to be run on a Mac? Don't have a Mac to test. RAVE-1 only seems to go up to the P38 whereas RAVE has the New Range Rover (L322) listed as well. The RAVE version says it is the 20th and last edition of RAVE and henceforth only an online version called Topix will be available (although I think there's something similar in Testbook?): TOPIx - TOPIx

I had a quick look at Topix. Requires registration (which I'm not too hassled about as I can always use TenMinuteMail and a trip to the library if necessary!) but when I got to the terms and conditions it started talking about liability for all fees which sounded rather like you had to pay for it so I lost interest. Has anyone got a login? Do you pay? Is it any good?

Coming back to RAVE. I copied the PDFs to my Android phone. RAVE-1 bombs out with an error asking for a username and password. I assume this is in the executable that won't run. Either way, that went no further.

The RAVE files did open individually but none of the links or menus worked and frankly without them the whole thing is so damn cryptic you'd spend forever trying to find anything.

So, finally some questions.

1) Has anyone tried Calibre and got it to get RAVE to work on an Android phone?
2) If someone has got something running, could they bung a copy somewhere so those less computer savvy can grab a copy. I think I might get some space with my ISP so I'm happy to host if someone can give me the files.
I have used TOPIx....and yes you have to pay for pay for a certain Session Time...I paid for an hours use and downloaded as many of the L322 Tech Bulletins as possible in that time.

Trying to get hold of an entire Workshop Manual via TOPIx would require a few hours of time and a painstaking process as you can't 'actually' download from it nor print to PDF unless you do a work around....can't remember what I did, but I know it was a faff....

IIRC the hours session cost £10-15 on TOPIx but the cost is dependant on how many models, years, and types you want to look at....I choose L322 2002-2005 all versions....
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I have rave on my android note 2 I went online downloaded it and it opens as a pdf I only use the p38 and downloaded just the p38 section one problem is you can search it you have to scroll through the pages individually.

As for topix it is a pay for service for independant indy and the general public.
I have rave on my android note 2 I went online downloaded it and it opens as a pdf I only use the p38 and downloaded just the p38 section one problem is you can search it you have to scroll through the pages individually.

As for topix it is a pay for service for independant indy and the general public.

Yeah, that's the problem.

Anyone tried Moon+ Reader Pro? Looks like it might be able to handle the bookmarks / annotations used by the PDFs. It can definitely handle .mpbi files that JohnnyCrash referred to. See:

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