
New Member
i have asked this question before but had a few people telling me differnt weird and wonderfull things i have a problem where i cannot move the red knob is this just a seized linkage or is it a mechanical problem i am hoping to resolve tomorrow so any sort of reply would be very useful thanks?

is it just a case of oiling or...??

thanks in anticipation
Douse everything under lever with WD and go to bed. With a bit of luck it will have eased everything off by morning.
reminds me of when i wur in cyprus.. two old wumum wur sat on a step eating melon, they dint have no knickers on this WRAC bint that wur wiff us asked them if it wur comfy wiff no knickers in this heat. one old bint looks up and say ' i int sure but it sure keeps the flies orf the melon'
have you tried holding the yellow knob down while moving the red one, there is 3 shafts that can seize one is the transfer shaft (connected to red lever) the the others are the 4wd shaft and a pivot shaft that is pinned by the yellow knob
on later boxes the ends are covered by a metal dust cover except the transfer shaft, this can be removed and the ends cleaned up

if you have a look at front of gearbox above the front propshaft you should see the locking pin (connected to yellow lever) and the transfer shaft, its here usually the problem lies with the ends rusting up more so if hi/low 4wd not used

if you can clean up ends and grease them then give the red lever a good rive (you cant hurt it) while holding yellow knob down
ensure enough oil in transfer box as this lubes the selector shafts

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