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I'm a mechanical klutz, useless at everything LR fixing-wise but shortly will be the owner of a Nanocom for the Bosch-Motronic variant of the RR Mk2 and happy to help others with same Rangie type in trouble and in need of diag-nasties to reset stuff. Happy to go anywhere in 20M radius out of peak traffic hours (I am old and retired).
I'm a mechanical klutz, useless at everything LR fixing-wise but shortly will be the owner of a Nanocom for the Bosch-Motronic variant of the RR Mk2 and happy to help others with same Rangie type in trouble and in need of diag-nasties to reset stuff. Happy to go anywhere in 20M radius out of peak traffic hours (I am old and retired).
Hello Dan
I have issues with 2000 p38 4.6 need to turn of the immobiliser as keyfob has packed up I understand nanocom can do this is this something you can help me with? Cheers
Hello Dan
I have issues with 2000 p38 4.6 need to turn of the immobiliser as keyfob has packed up I understand nanocom can do this is this something you can help me with? Cheers
Hi Ian,
I can only try....... :)
Busy tomorrow (Thursday) unless you can wait around for a bit while I stop the building work at my sons place......but I am free and at home in Benfleet on Friday. If its drive-able, you can bring it over to me and I can turn immobilisation feature off. Gimme a call on 07788497577 so we can discuss.
Hello Dan
I have issues with 2000 p38 4.6 need to turn of the immobiliser as keyfob has packed up I understand nanocom can do this is this something you can help me with? Cheers
Ian, do you have your EKA code for the vehicle? If you do then I believe it can be entered via nanocom even if your fobs are knackered. If you don't have it. Get it for Friday mate.
Thanks Dan for your help today much appreciated .
You are very welcome Ian. I am glad we got it all up and running.
You might want to bung a question up on here for the BeCM wizards about your replacement fobs and the blank info in your BeCM where 3 x 2-digit numbers should be.
I don't know what that means, but I believe there is a conversion from the info supplied with the fobs to these digits. No point having nice new fob-keys if the BeCM can't understand them.