
Hello all , 2010 Range Rover Sport is playing up when locking with the fob.....the mirrors auto closed when locked and auto opened when the car was unlocked but they have decided to stop doing this now and I have noticed I get a quick 2 beep coming from what i assume is the alarm system - any ideas what has happened here?? - the back door on the driver's side does always lock or unlock either I have to do it manually inside on the door button - all other doors are fine - again any ideas why? there a reset procedure??

It thinks there is an unpatched door or boot lid, guess you’ve got to put it on diagnostics
I think it is the back door lock and unlock not operating correctly that is throwing out the alarm lock and unlock procedure and the mirrors not folding/unfolding this likely?
If so :
1) will a plug in diagnostics show this fault and potentially be able to clear it?
2) if there is something wrong with the locking mechanism on the door what is it likely to be please?
would this be indicated on some kind of battery test or diagnostic or is it a case of change the battery and see if it works? - no other issues with anything battery related see......
would this be indicated on some kind of battery test or diagnostic or is it a case of change the battery and see if it works? - no other issues with anything battery related see......
See what voltage you have on the battery with the engine at 2K rpm, you should see in excess of 14.7 volts after a few minutes. Then switch off and see what voltage you have after half an hour, it should be around 12.8 volts or more, certainly no less than 12.6 volts.
Other than that, a drop test would establish if the battery has lost capacity.
I suppose where I am at with this is how likely is it that a faulty battery would manifest itself only through a rear door not locking/unlocking itself and then door mirrors not folding or unfolding on on the alarm other noticeable battery related issues.....
What happens is as you start the car the starter draws a lot of power, if the voltage drops low as the starter turns it can cause all sorts of phantom faults and issues as the systems loose power and throws them in to a wobbler.
ok will take a look -on start up the display says all system checks ok and nothing noted but I hear what is being said....:):)

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