
New Member
So I'm new on here and desperate for some help. I bought my Range Rover in May this year. I was driving down the motorway when thick black smoke started pouring out of the exhausts. The engine fault message was displayed on the dashboard. I pulled over and turned the engine off and smoke was coming from underneath the bonnet. The RAC came out to recover it for me and plugged in the diagnostic tablet. The error message said loss of pressure. He lifted the bonnet to have a look and there was a spilt hose, when he removed the engine cover to get better access it revealed several holes in the rocker covers. One of the holes looks like it basically melted through (left side) and one looks like its blown a circular hole (right side). I have attached pictures. Anyone seen this before or any idea what it might be?? Any help is greatly appreciated. CheersView attachment 165971 View attachment 165970
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