
Hi all
i've been having trouble with my 2002 RR sat nav where every time i input a destiantion it refuses to tell me what direction to go in even when i leave it for a good 20 mins. Sorry for the sparse description
Sat navs love em or hate them. Sometimes i do both:eek:

Did it actually work before ( have you just got the car?)
Does it show where you are on a map without entering a destination?

I have had the car for around 1 year now and the sav nav has worked fine until now. And yes its dose display where i am on the map.

Yours is a cd 1yes?
If you put destination in can you hear it doing anything in the boot?

Yea when i punch a destination in i can hear the cd drive in the boot. So im guessing thats all working fine
Its all fine now gents. turns out that the gps receiver under the wiper shroud was all dirty and corroded. So an hour of cleaning she is all back up and running;)

Thanks for all your help
Its all fine now gents. turns out that the gps receiver under the wiper shroud was all dirty and corroded. So an hour of cleaning she is all back up and running;)

Thanks for all your help
View attachment 186677

Well done result:) that’s why I asked if the car knew where it was.

I believe there are updated discs available.

Well i was considering buying a more up to date disk. Because my disk has a date of 2000 and is scrached to liveing hell :rolleyes:
Well i was considering buying a more up to date disk. Because my disk has a date of 2000 and is scrached to liveing hell :rolleyes:
Even the newest discs are rarely up to date with new roads in France. Loads of new bypasses and motorways in the last 19 years and road improvements are still happening all the time unlike the UK.
Yep it was out of date the minute she rolled off the production line..

The world hasn't changed too much since 2013 so it's still useful to a degree! ;)
Your world might not have changed much, but a lot has changed over here in 6 years.:p

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