
New Member

My Range Rover p38 V8 4.0lt at very low revs... i.e when in drive without excelleration or when in park stood still is giving an anoying squeeky noise which is pushing me over the edge at present !!!!! It sounds like a noisey pully....and is certainly coming from that area It doesn't seem to be the belt as I have tried WD40 on that just in case it was dry etc etc?It also doesn't make the noise when the engine is reving?????????:confused:
Has anyone got any ideas as its driving me around the bend !!!!:mad::doh::(

Thanks !!!
This happened to me 2 months ago and it turn out to be a bearing in the water pump, I found out the hard way when the belt came of and coolant poured out all over the road. Check and see you never know. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the advice !!!
I will get my mechanic to check this first thing....I certainly don't want to end up in that position!!!
Thanks again!!!

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