I have been having problems with the immobiliser on my 1997 4.6 HSE RR. Having researched the problem I discovered I needed a new receiver, part number YWY500010 to replace the old ASR1953 one. So off I go to the dealer who tells me that YWY500010 is no longer available and has been superceeded by ASR1953.....which left me slightly confused as it should be the other way round according to my research. I ordered the part anyway, trusting that the parts guy at the dealers knew what he was on about. Anyway, it was playing on my mind a bit & I did some more reading, couple of posts on various NGs etc & everyone came back with the same answer .... ASR1953 is the latest and greatest version of the reciever.
......but, still not satisfied I went back to the dealers & got them to contact Land Rover Technical. And the answer was -
"ASR1953 is shown INCORRECTLY on the dealers parts CD as a substitute for YWY500010". There has been a further revision, the latest numbers are now:
YWY500170 (433MHz)
YWY500200 (315MHz)
I hope this information will be of help to other RR owners & save them from being given the old part by the dealers. Credit where it's due goes to Brian at Hartwell Land Rover, St. Helens.