Hi all im a new member to the forum and being a RR owner for the past 10 years I’m no stranger to problems with the RR P38...........
I currently have a 2.5 DSE and a 4.6 vogue which I’m currently having a few problems with the gear box and was looking for a bit of your expert advice........
I just use the vogue for a few months of the year and just had it out yesterday when of course murphy’s law something went wrong had it on a long drive and everything was working as it should no faults,V8 purring like a cat when i decided to pull over and refuel the beast fill her up and pulled into the car park to fill up myself in the food court and when i returned started straight away but when i put it in Drive nothing for a few seconds like it was in neutral then a almighty clunk that sounded expensive and it shuddered in gear and drove as normal.....
i nursed it back home just in case and stopped in my drive and switched the engine off left it for a few minutes and restarted it again and the same thing happened into D and nothing then a big clunk and gearbox engaged......
Not driven it since as very very afraid of a big bill from RR
Any advice on what the problem could be would be greatly appreciated...
Oh my name is Liam by the way sorry about prattling on i didn’t even introduce myself.......:lalala:
hi Liam
I had a similar problem with a disco TD5, it was slow to set off when it was put in drive,
After two gearbox oil changes I was told that it was the valves in the box were sticking.
But having said that I didn't get a loud clonk, do you have your foot heavy on the accelerater when it takes up drive?
Change the atf asap your leaving it standing for a long time by the sounds of it that's not doing it any good. Go out and drive it going up the auto box each setting in turn.

Hi lads thanks for the quick reply,
I have done all the gearbox oil and filter only last week and this has never been a issue before..
I have it stored for the winter months and take it out for the summer(or what we call a summer)and always do the fluids before she goes back on the road gearbox,oil,stearing fluid new coolent..
the only problem that i did notice was the excelerator is a bit stiff and you have to give it a bit of a push to get it to go,this may be cable needs replacing would this cause the clunk noise too much power for take off.
You might want to get yourself into the Range Rover section where you might find more knowledge about your box.

I'm assuming that you're going into D whilst the engine is on tickover so the throttle stiffness shouldn't have any effect. A sticking valve might delay the change but shouldn't give a clonk as long as you're still at tickover. If you've got a sticking valve and you're getting impatient and blip the throttle . . . .
Lucas gearbox treatment in the ATF has been known to free up the valve block.
Interesting that you state you have recently changed the oil and filter. It does seem that unless the oil is changed frequently to keep it clean, an oil change can dislodge accumulated muck, and cause problems that did not exist before. I think I would try a couple of oil changes to try and flush any bits out.
Did you use the correct filling procedure? Sounds like it could be low oil level to me. Other than that, as already said, stick some Lucas Transmission Fix in and take it for a long run.
Interesting that you state you have recently changed the oil and filter. It does seem that unless the oil is changed frequently to keep it clean, an oil change can dislodge accumulated muck, and cause problems that did not exist before. I think I would try a couple of oil changes to try and flush any bits out.
I don't think that applies to the ZF4HP22/24e, it used to cause problems with the regulator in the pre-electronic version.

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