
New Member
Hi. I have a 2003 Range Rover
It’s stop running. And I was getting no diesil. Out ov pump. So pull pump out. And it was blocked. And. Motor must ov burnet out So I got new one. But it in last night. And I can hear it buzzing. But still no diesil. Coming out ov pump lift pump is working. Pump in. Tank working. But no diesil is coming out. Relay working Fuse ok Anyone help ?
Hi. I have a 2003 Range Rover
It’s stop running. And I was getting no diesil. Out ov pump. So pull pump out. And it was blocked. And. Motor must ov burnet out So I got new one. But it in last night. And I can hear it buzzing. But still no diesil. Coming out ov pump lift pump is working. Pump in. Tank working. But no diesil is coming out. Relay working Fuse ok Anyone help ?
Allow me....


So - to summarise, you have replaced the in tank lift pump - correct?

Have you checked the in line pump mounted on the side of the fuel tank as this is a common failure? What may have blocked the in tank pump, could also have blocked the in line pump.

You also do not mention where you are checking for diesel flow - is this at the top of the fuel pump, at the in line pump connections, the fuel filter, or at the HP rail pump on the back of the engine?

Knowing where you are not getting diesel to could help.
Allow me....

View attachment 169788 :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

So - to summarise, you have replaced the in tank lift pump - correct?

Have you checked the in line pump mounted on the side of the fuel tank as this is a common failure? What may have blocked the in tank pump, could also have blocked the in line pump.

You also do not mention where you are checking for diesel flow - is this at the top of the fuel pump, at the in line pump connections, the fuel filter, or at the HP rail pump on the back of the engine?

Knowing where you are not getting diesel to could help.
PMSL... Saint you need to lern the new leet-speek dont you blood? I mean Famm all know what they be sayin' don't they. :D
I weep for the English language if this is the way it is going!
This is what happens when English teachers are told not to correct mistakes, in exams. So no matter how much effort they put into teaching, no-one has to learn.
I did wonder if the op may be dyslexic but not convinced.
I'm Dyslexic, but can string a sentence together so it makes sense, just.:eek::D
I know some people can, so not sure why some can't. I have a friend who just doesn't bother trying, unless he's messaging me. To quote '' Iv even lernd to spel sorry just for you'. Although as I've said to him, with spellcheck on everything these days, it's not hard. I am impressed and feel a little guilty at him learning 'sorry' though :)
I'm sure when the op comes back we'll find out but kudos to you because I know how hard it can be.
This is what happens when English teachers are told not to correct mistakes, in exams. So no matter how much effort they put into teaching, no-one has to learn.
I did wonder if the op may be dyslexic but not convinced.

I'm Dyslexic, but can string a sentence together so it makes sense, just.:eek::D
I have a 'Specific Learning Difficulty' otherwise known as Dyslexia.

Dyslexia isn't just reading and writing, numbers etc.....although these are by far the most common examples, I suffer from Anti-Retrograde Amnesia with Auditory Short Term Recall and Visual Short Term Recall defeciencies....

I have no short term memory, like at all, I was diagnosed at 14 by the Dyslexia Institute when it used to be in Staines after referral by my School. I spent a day doing all sorts of tests and tasks to assess all aspects of learning and ability. Whilst I had above average skill, intelligence and ability, I showed marked retardation's in memory and recall.

After further testing over the following weeks, I was diagnosed with the above and then spent about 6 months learning techniques to help memory retention, a lot of which (for me) relies on tactile feel, like rubbing fingers, tapping fingers, I also use a small piece of cloth that I rub and this helps associate a feeling with a memory and with time, it helps the memory to convert to long term, rather than short term.

My Long term memory is very good, hence why I can remember how to drive, walk, talk, etc as this is learned over and over and is converted into a long term autonomic responses.....

If you ask me - and this is no disrespect to those who really suffer, but the 'excuse' of 'I have dyslexia' is all too often banded around by the yoof of today to cover up for the laziness and lack of effort they put in in their studies....they are using as a get out of jail card for poor results and etc.

I went from school to college to university got a Masters and now work in Design Engineering.....and yet I don't remember where I live, my kids names or what day it is unless it is written down, emblazoned in front of me or I have done all my memory learning techniques to help me remember....I made no excuses - I got on with it!
Allow me....

View attachment 169788 :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

So - to summarise, you have replaced the in tank lift pump - correct?

Have you checked the in line pump mounted on the side of the fuel tank as this is a common failure? What may have blocked the in tank pump, could also have blocked the in line pump.

You also do not mention where you are checking for diesel flow - is this at the top of the fuel pump, at the in line pump connections, the fuel filter, or at the HP rail pump on the back of the engine?

Knowing where you are not getting diesel to could help.

the post becomes clearer if you read it in your mind with a Geordie accent,

Howay man! Hope the Gadgie doesn't throw a Radgie
the post becomes clearer if you read it in your mind with a Geordie accent,

Howay man! Hope the Gadgie doesn't throw a Radgie
But writen English is written English.....

'I have a problem with my Range Rover' is written the same regardless of locale.....the reader, when reading applies the dialect.....unless its written by the looks like English, yet contains words like 'nae' and 'wee'....etc.

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