irish medic

New Member
Am on nights at the moment. Got to bed @ 3.30pm today. Had to get back up 20mins later bcos the son of the non national family living 4 doors away from me decided to rear end the jeep whilst parked outside my house. Scraped the corner of the bumper, put a crack & hole in it, scraped the back wing, scraped & dented the plastic trim on top of the bumper. He decided it was funny until my neighbour came out who is a traffic cop. Got a quote to fix the damage which is a reasonable 600euro (approx 533 GBP). Now the chav & his family who are only renting the house claim that it'll have to go through the insurance :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Am on nights at the moment. Got to bed @ 3.30pm today. Had to get back up 20mins later bcos the son of the non national family living 4 doors away from me decided to rear end the jeep whilst parked outside my house. Scraped the corner of the bumper, put a crack & hole in it, scraped the back wing, scraped & dented the plastic trim on top of the bumper. He decided it was funny until my neighbour came out who is a traffic cop. Got a quote to fix the damage which is a reasonable 600euro (approx 533 GBP). Now the chav & his family who are only renting the house claim that it'll have to go through the insurance :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

what's the problem with them being non national houses renters ?
I don't have a problem with non national or house renters per se. This person was laughing at me when i was looking at the damage. He then offered to pay me in cash if it would be cheaper. Gave him the cheapest quote & he still thought it funny. Point is I work damn hard to pay for my house. This guy drives like a lunatic (i live in a small cul de sac). I thought i was being fair with him & now his family want to drag things out by going through the insurance. I'm not a racist or anything else like that & I apologise if my post came across that way. Definitely not intended just very angry right now
dude 1st thing call the gardai get the damaged assessed that the accident did happen. secondly get his insurance details from his window screen and call the insurance company direct and they will send out someone to inspect the damage. i would guess you get a cheque in 2-4 weeks. but the quicker you move with this and get the ball roling with the gardai etc the quicker the payout and less hastle you will have.
I thought you had a Range Rover Irish Medic, not a JEEP??????? If its a jeep then its not such a problem, may even improve its looks!!!
go through insurance, even driving without due care???

it'll cost him more than you as it will be a non fault accident!!!

then **** on his car's eadiator and down the vents at the base of the windscreen, it'll annoy the fcuk outa him as he smells your **** for weeks!!
sorry to hear about your misfortune ..that would really p**s me off.
sounds like you have enough witness to confirm he did it !! would hate to think he,d change his story !! so assume he dosnt do a runner and has insurance (legit) 600 yoyo sounds cheap !!
I would get a quote from you nearest Land Rover Dealer ...after all it is your pride and joy ...and should only be repaired to perfection:D
So add in the cost of LR labour rates + any genuine parts
Off course youll need a replacment car for a few day ...what with the very important work you do add in this cost as well.
Once this cost is agreed - as far as i know you are under no obligation to get it repaired either at the LR garage or any body shop nominated by the insurance company ....after all if the insurance company body shop do a botch job of paint match ...who takes responsibility !! you may have to pay the LR dealer for the quote so add this is as well ...Im not suggesting to take Insurance for a ride ...but make sure you are well covered for all the hassel ahead take plenty of photos.
...just my opinion
Hard to procecute, Driving with out DCAA... Need witnesses etc.. He will say,, "Oh i thought a dog ran out " etc, had to swerve, child in the road.. Never get a conviction.., Don't know the laws in Ireland, and insurance requirements but needs reporting anyhoo, . Ensure all the correct procedures are followed.. See if the Traffic Officer saw the RTC?, he may do a statement?.. Good luck. BTW,, the comment re neighbours.. I would feel rather cheesed of if a freeloader trashed my pride and joy then laughed at me,,,, very cheesed off indeed!
the comment re neighbours.. I would feel rather cheesed of if a freeloader trashed my pride and joy then laughed at me,,,, very cheesed off indeed!

what gives you the impression that they are "freeloaders" ?

aren't you being a bit judgmental
sean the argumental troll!!!

this fella is a paramedic, and he is probably a pillar of the comunity. if he says the guy is an immigrant free loader then he is probably best qualified to make that diagnosis!!!

so, shut up!!
sean the argumental troll!!!

this fella is a paramedic, and he is probably a pillar of the comunity. if he says the guy is an immigrant free loader then he is probably best qualified to make that diagnosis!!!

so, shut up!!

what a load of ****
your persistant sean,i'll give you that.

ah wouldn't mind but the OPs already had the decency to realize his labeling of them as non national renters wasnt the best use of words

yet the ignorant mob have now turned "them" into freeloaders - tisnt right
I am Sure when Irish Medic attends a serious RTC, where a whole family is killed by a Driver, without, a licence, insurance, tax..and say oh i cant aford those things... You dont need them from where i come from .........bollox.... I see too many people every day get shafted by scum that buck the system... Get off mi soap box now
ah wouldn't mind but the OPs already had the decency to realize his labeling of them as non national renters wasnt the best use of words

yet the ignorant mob have now turned "them" into freeloaders - tisnt right

why get involved,what does it matter to you,you dont know them,never met them????.

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