Ken Lester

New Member
Can anyone help? My latest problem is with air suspension. I have had a pump fitted, valves fitted, 3 air bags and am still having trouble with suspension collapsing. I have been told as an emergency there are 4 Schroeder valves that can be fitted into the airlines to raise the suspension after collapse as an Emergency measure. Can anyne tell me what they are, or give me a link to purchase from a supplier. Would be most grateful. The RR is year 2000, model P38.- petrol with a gas LPG conversion.
Schreider valves will be no good if the air bladders or the lines to them are knackered.

You say 3 have been replaced...what about the 4th?

Schreider valves are the same type of valves fitted to car tyres and are used to pump up the air bladders if the compressor goes south.

I'd be tempted to figure out why it collapses before fitting valves (which are not the best idea - introducing more joints into the system is pure foley)

If you really must fit valves -
Welcome to the LandyZone. Someone will most likely come along with some help. Meanwhile let me tout the great benefits of the search function here. I typed in "P38 air suspension collapsing" and this link shows the results:[node]=10

One of the threads I found may help you:

Good luck!

Edit: See, I told you someone would come along and you got a right pro at that. :)
You need to find out why it is dropping then fix it. You need to better describe the circumstances and extent of the drop.
Can anyone help? My latest problem is with air suspension. I have had a pump fitted, valves fitted, 3 air bags and am still having trouble with suspension collapsing. I have been told as an emergency there are 4 Schroeder valves that can be fitted into the airlines to raise the suspension after collapse as an Emergency measure. Can anyne tell me what they are, or give me a link to purchase from a supplier. Would be most grateful. The RR is year 2000, model P38.- petrol with a gas LPG conversion.
Sorry should have explained that the fitting of the valves is the last ditch suggestion of my LR garage, or failing that reverting to a spring suspension. It has now been back 4 or 5 times, sensors replaced as well.
Any talk of fitting spring will get you cast out. If bag 4 is duff then the whole car will lower to the level it sets when it leaks. I would start there. its really easy and cheap to plumb in a pressure gauge to the system so you can see how much air is in the tank. After the bag I would suspect a dodgy valve block or hoses. Was the valve block replaced as a whole or rebuilt ?
Sorry should have explained that the fitting of the valves is the last ditch suggestion of my LR garage, or failing that reverting to a spring suspension. It has now been back 4 or 5 times, sensors replaced as well.

My last ditch suggestion is that your garage doesn't have a bloody clue what they are doing, take it to someone who does. EAS is pretty simple to sort out, if it's been back 4 or 5 times and they haven't sorted it just changed bits and charged you they are taking the piss. You have still not given info on when it drops and by how much.
Sorry should have explained that the fitting of the valves is the last ditch suggestion of my LR garage, or failing that reverting to a spring suspension. It has now been back 4 or 5 times, sensors replaced as well.

Schrader valves or the Emergency Inflation Kit is just that: an emergency inflation kit to get you home should the compressor fail. As others have mentioned it won't help if there is a severe leak from somewhere. Usually if 1 bag fails the others are not far behind.

It has been said on this forum that sometime a leak in the exhaust can melt an airline and the air escape that way.

If the leak is not that fast then pump it up to the high setting, remove the EAS delay from under the passenger seat and see which corner has dropped overnight. If no corner has dropped then time to start looking at the valve block or driver pack.
I just bought a 2006 Vogue SE TD6 Diesel 3ltr on Monday and it decided to stick in the lowered access position today. Do you think that this could also be a leak?? Haven't been playing with it too much (honestly!) The OBC tells me to check for a system failure and rectify/react... so take it to a garage??
Sorry if it sounds obvious, am new to RRs and had a Nissan Patrol before, which needed very little garage time... if it decides to play around, may have to get the auto Patrol back into action... :eek:
I just bought a 2006 Vogue SE TD6 Diesel 3ltr on Monday and it decided to stick in the lowered access position today. Do you think that this could also be a leak?? Haven't been playing with it too much (honestly!) The OBC tells me to check for a system failure and rectify/react... so take it to a garage??
Sorry if it sounds obvious, am new to RRs and had a Nissan Patrol before, which needed very little garage time... if it decides to play around, may have to get the auto Patrol back into action... :eek:

Possibly no air check compressor.
As you are speaking to a complete novice.... how do I do this? :confused:o_O

Take it to a garage if you need to ask that question. Air suspension needs air if there is none it won't work. If you bought it from a garage take it back let them sort it. Diagnostics would maybe tell you more.
Take it to a garage if you need to ask that question. Air suspension needs air if there is none it won't work. If you bought it from a garage take it back let them sort it. Diagnostics would maybe tell you more.
Thanks for the advice :)
I understand the theory of air suspension, had it in a previous vehicle, but didn't have any issues
Thanks for the advice :)
I understand the theory of air suspension, had it in a previous vehicle, but didn't have any issues

You got lucky. The bags don't last forever and the compressor will need a little TLC after 3 - 5 years.
Sorry should have explained that the fitting of the valves is the last ditch suggestion of my LR garage, or failing that reverting to a spring suspension. It has now been back 4 or 5 times, sensors replaced as well.
Sorry for the late reply,I've been away in sunnier climes. Any garage that fob's you off with that sort of suggestions should be fecked with the rough end of a ragmans trumpet.They don't know what they are talking about.:mad::mad:
Sorry for the late reply,I've been away in sunnier climes. Any garage that fob's you off with that sort of suggestions should be fecked with the rough end of a ragmans trumpet.They don't know what they are talking about.:mad::mad:

Oh Jesus! I've got tears running down my face. So, the garage might not be 100% au fait with the P38 suspension set up?

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