OK, I can understand your question, but firstly you must ask yourself why wheels are made to fit one way only.
you must look at why wheel nuts are made the way they are,
and you must ask yourself why wheels have a corresponding shape at the point the same shaped nuts fit into.
that sussed, you must ask yourself why should you ever want to fit wheels on any vehicle the wrong way round....
off subject slightly, back in the days of when drivers of the small bedford HA vans owned by the "post office" and the "british telecom" could change a flat tyre themselves, bedford vans were asked to make the wheel nuts with the same locating "shape" at each end, instead of the normal one end,
because they thought an Idiot would put the wheel nuts back the wrong way.
Errr, the same in principle as your "why cant I put wheels on wrong" question.
the back locating face of your/any wheel is flat for a reason,
to locate against the hub, so the "shaped" outer face you put "shaped" wheel nuts into can tighten up to hold the wheel on.....
so, apart from chucking your wheel nuts away as you drive, then lose you wheels as you go, the resulting fines for a dangerous vehicle would soon mount up into comical amounts quite quickly....
so unless you want to try all that, in a field, on your own,
then dont do it.............
be funny to watch though - get the cameras out lads...