Rag Top or Hard Top?

  • Truck Cab with Rag Top Rear cover

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Full Hard top

    Votes: 2 50.0%

  • Total voters
I agree wiv HB, so I ain't votin either.
(But I'm looking fer a van top fer me 90 - does that make me a hypocrite?)
I used ter have an ex-mil full rag-top 90.
To be honest, I can get me truck cab off quicker than I could the rag-top!
However i'ts a 2 person job.
tilts are relatively cheep
try ter git one wiv the hoops and roll bar - yer lookin at £400 to £500.
FOOKING TRUCK?????????????????

go and stand in the corner till you learn that its a landy, landrover or a series but nevva a fooking truck. thats what septics drive .
ah blame marcus , he should have told you before now it int a gawd damm truck!
ive just changed my hardtop for truckcab,and i managed to lift mine on with roof bolted to back panel, on me own.and i have back muscle probs.cheapest ive seen a hood/stick set 2nd hand was 150-200.as he was selling landy with hardtop.

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