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:D Clarion PU- 9844A Sorted..............Radio was dead after disconnecting battery and showing _ _ _ _ on the LED after I buggered up re-entering codes about 5 times, no matter how long I left radio on I couldn't get "code in" back up on LED..

Follow the following (!!?)

1. Pull fuses 1 & 8 ( fuse box under righthand side drivers seat) this shuts off power to the radio and the Dashboard, and thus, kids the radio the battery has been disconnected obviously and less messy.

2. Replace fuses, ( you will lose any computer info such as MPG, range, & Trip 2: overall car mileage stays put though).

3. Insert ignition key and turn to position 1.

4. Turn radio on.

5.Leave for at least a couple of hours.

6.When checked radio still showed _ _ _ _, however pressing "BND" button and tuning "up" button simultaneously I got "Code in" immediately.

DO NOT DO THIS.....cock up the codes again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!although in my defence my instructions from the web were not clear....

7. If you do cock up as I did again..doh...!! Repeat steps 1 to 6....

8. This time when I came back to the radio "Code in" was showing so ..voila.. I entered codes properly.

9.For Clarion PA-9844A Diversity this is
done by pushing corresponding pre-set button for the code you e.g. if first code number is 2 press button 2, if second number is 4 press button 4. if third number is 5 press button 5, if fourth number is 3 press button 3

10. Finally press tuning "up" button to make sure code entered, although at this stage radio was on and playing with LED showing usual display..

Footnote: I flattened the car battery leaving radio on for 4 hours at a stretch, not enough to cut power to vehicle but I had to jump start it..it maybe my battery is on its last legs, maybe not..I'll charge it and see where I end up...

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