
New Member
ok, im mostly mechanically inept but learning,have a new radiator arriving from paddocks in the morning,im assuming its an easy job, any pitfalls or problems i might encounter? its for my 109 petrol series 3
Its Quite a straight forward job. Why not go out now with a can of WD40 and oil all the radiator hose clips and nuts and bolts that hold the thing together and you will find it alot easyer when you come to take the old one out.

Very Good Advice.:D
thanks mate,will get out and do that now as couriers will be arriving v. early in the morning so will try and get the job done b4 work.
joy of joys,three of the bolts holding the rad on are rounded,and had to bolster four of the screws holding the shroud,already taken me 3 hours to get to this stage!! any advice on how to remove the rounded buggers ta !
Have you tryed to hold with a good pair of mole Grips.
Can you get a grinder there to the blots.
How about your local garage burn them off for you.
Use a small drill and drill down the center of them then use a larger drill to drill them out if you can get near to them.
Local garage may have a buzz saw and cut them.

Its hard to say unless its infront of me. But a few things you may consider.:D
I've taken a few rounded beggars out by cutting a slot in the head with a hacksaw (or junior if space is tight) then getting them out with a large screwdriver (flat sided one so you can get a spanner on it). Depends on the space available.

Minimans mole grips & penetrating oil are good too though.

Or if you've an extra pair of hands, combination of the two.

Oh, or filing two new flats on the head & use an open ended spanner, that's worked in the past.

Don't you just hate that though, the seemingly simplest of jobs is almost always confounded by some small, until then insignificant component :mad:
dearest marcus it not personal expereince but experience of just over 10 years working on the things and seeing wot others can do and of course the fact i did it on a renault when i put a different engine in it.
Okey dokey Slob, not personal experience...............ON A LANDY! Probably best thing for a Renault!

Hell man, I've commited some expensive classics in my time. You know you're going to do it, you worry about it, then you do's that moment of silent realisation a second after you've busted whatever it is you were doing & that involuntary groan that just escapes afterwards............."if only I'd.......!"
you mean like the time i was using my big grinder and couldn't be arsed to take the stone cutter out and put a metal wheel in. i still crinch when i think of the bugger bouncing off my face.
Hello Paul, have you got/been using a 6-sided socket to get the bolts out?. If not, can you beg, borrow or maybe not steal one, they`re worth their weight in gold for jobs like yours. Best of luck! , Pete. :)
all finished chaps thanks for all the advice,mole grips and brute strength!!!
took a bit longer than i thought but bugger it im a happy bunny,give her a good run next sunday,see you on sat night marcus,and anyone else that is going on the run.
Good work. See you next week.

Hey, glad it wasn't this week, the party conference always turns Brighton into a nightmare! Bet it's even worse this year.
whole town is in gridlock,police copters all over the place, f***ing nightmare,the bastards were here last year as well!!!.wonderful stop and search policy at the mo,basically everyone!!!any other town fancy the b******s for the next couple of years,oh by the way,me mate from cornwall is painting her swb a beatiful shade of yellow with fire engine red bumpers and grille!nice
Hmm, yer mates Landy should be easy to spot then! That sounds WILD!

If it's any (little) consolation, they've nearly finished the major re-furb of the Bournemouth International Centre which I think is why the other seaside towns have been (over) burdened with the conference sods for a couple of years.

It just seemed to get worse every year in B/ton after the bomb..........& even that managed to miss "the Thatch'!" :mad:

See you @ the w/end then chap.

ok,not the wisest of moves but just been pulled up by armed coppers in me 109,two streets away from the seafront shunting me mates sofa in the back,**** me right up,very very very serious chaps,blimey time to catch lasties and have a couple of beers for me nerves!!:eek:
Guess it's a good job you weren't hiding a badly shaved head with a tea towel................or wearing a "chunky" jacket!

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