
New Member
While on holiday down in Cornwall my gearbox started getting a bit graunchy, nothing too major (I misguidedly thought). I only have 4th available and with a bit of stirring reverse. It feels like the lever is giong into the correct location for each gear but nothing!

Any thoughts? Is it a gearbox rebuid/replacement?

Any thoughts would be welcome!


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Sounds like ashcroft time - unless you realy want to start stripping it

Could be - but also 1 million and one other things could have happened - that something (bearing) has disintigrated and then be hurled around, and hit the most delicate bit the selection forks - Game Over - You Lose - (a lot of money anyway)

Anyway you could take the drain plug out and if loads of bits of metal come out with the oil(if there is any in there) then it is likely in need of a major, major rebuild, but you will end up replacing everything as if one bearing has gone, then likely the others will be on their way out as well(esp if no oil in it)
same happened to me few weeks ago, there is a thread somewhere, but sounds like ya need a new gearbox, mine is still in the workshop n im dreadin the final bill.
I wouldn't bother with a ashcrofts, there are a lot of ex-disco ones about with low mileage and cheep as chips. I sold a good one with transfer box for £20 on ebay.

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