

Rave specs Texaco MTF74 oil for the R380 gearbox, been trying to find and equivalent and Morris do a Lodexol MTF oil they recommend for the R380.

However reading various posts there seems to be a differing of opinion as to what oil is required including ATF Dextron II, so before I take the plunge and order just wanted to check what you guys have used
theres no doubt some boxes can feel to have better selection of gears with mtf ,but not all ,but atf dexron 2 or 3 will lubricate box just as well ,the faults i see with r380s are just the same on either oil its lack of changing oil that causes problems

Clarifies it for me, seems that LR changed the spec over time, will try Dextron II and see how it goes.

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Clarifies it for me, seems that LR changed the spec over time, will try Dextron II and see how it goes.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
the gear box is still basically the same as lt77 from the 70s ,lr like all other manufactureres are more interested in longer service intervals than long time life span as long as life is reasonable ,a lot of gear boxes are fill for life with sealed hearings to keep **** in the oil out of them now ,ofr course over the years everything else is running in old oil,just change oil regulary 8000 miles ish , its dirty oil that causes trouble

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