
New Member
ok people,finally admitting defeat and its time for a new clutch!!!!:eek:
trouble is , i am getting quotes of £400 upwards,i know its a big job but jeez,thats bedwetting amounts of money!!!!!
anyone know of any mechanics in the brighton area that could give me a hand!!!! bugger, bugger, whinge, bloody land rovers rant, poo!!!!!!
Wondered where you'd got to chap! You haven't been under the Landy all this time..........have you? Is that parts and labour or just labour?

Wracking my brains to think of any mechanics I know around those parts. Unfortunately whilst I lived there I only had Mini's & motorcycles so don't think I know anyone handy with a Landy. Giving it a good thunk though.


Most of the cost is labour.
Remove seats, seat boxes, floor, tunnel etc.
unbolt gearbox and lift through cab etc etc

If military spec then gearbox cross member is bolted in place,
remove tunnel and floor ONLY, remove cross member drop box to floor.

Helped a mate replece his clutch a few months back took an afternoon,
on his military spec sIII.

When clutch went on my 2.6 sIII civilian spec !!!!!
we cut off gearbox cross member, replaced clutch as per the military
then re welded the cross member back in place.

Hope this helps

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