
New Member
Hi Folks,
I gotta say how pleased I am........

It chucked it down with rain this morning and before I know it, I'm getting wet with water splashing on me from behind the sun visor.......
Well, I'm no mechanic so I pop up to Famous Four and ask their advise....
"Ah...It's the drain pipe from your sun roof"......
"Take the inner panelling of the roof and it will be broke....Just super glue it back...run a bit of silicone sealer round and that should do it"
"Ah...right" I say"So how much for you to fix it?"
"Oh...couple of hours...about £100"

Cutting a long story short...
I back her in the drive....get a philips screwdriver and before I know it the inner panelling is of and, sure enough a black pipe just falls out......complete with snapped of plastic barb??
Up to B&Q and get some Super Glue and some sealing putty (used this before in water tanks).....
Stick the pipe back on....leave it half an hour then seal it all round with the putty. Then I systematically refit the inner panelling........
Jobs a good en ;)
Lets see what happens next time it rains ;);)

But u haven't stopped the reason for the leak, that will be a faulty seal.

Not according to the experts...Famous Four...
There's a gully in the sun roof just in front of the glass and under the roof panelling there are 2 drain pipes and the drivers side had snapped of so the drain water was just running behind the panelling and out the screw holes at the visors.
The problem is that the sun roof casing is cast metal and there are 2 plastic drain pipe barbs bonded in the front corners. You can't get or fix the plastic barbs so the only way is to super glue the drain pipe back on.
Apparently Famous Four have done hundreds of them over the years.

Hope you see what I mean?
Your Land Rover is lulling you into a false sense of security. A simple fix like this is always followed by a failure of a component that is just beyond the owner's ability to fix, so you either try to do it yourself, fail and then have to pay a fortune to a garage while the mechanics can't stop laughing, or you take it to the garage without trying to fix it. Either way the garage owner laughs all the way to the bank.

So in the meantime, bask in the glow of your cheap fix, but don't spend the money you've saved. :eek:
Your Land Rover is lulling you into a false sense of security. A simple fix like this is always followed by a failure of a component that is just beyond the owner's ability to fix, so you either try to do it yourself, fail and then have to pay a fortune to a garage while the mechanics can't stop laughing, or you take it to the garage without trying to fix it. Either way the garage owner laughs all the way to the bank.

So in the meantime, bask in the glow of your cheap fix, but don't spend the money you've saved. :eek:

Thanks for the encouragement :D
Not according to the experts...Famous Four...
There's a gully in the sun roof just in front of the glass and under the roof panelling there are 2 drain pipes and the drivers side had snapped of so the drain water was just running behind the panelling and out the screw holes at the visors.
The problem is that the sun roof casing is cast metal and there are 2 plastic drain pipe barbs bonded in the front corners. You can't get or fix the plastic barbs so the only way is to super glue the drain pipe back on.
Apparently Famous Four have done hundreds of them over the years.

Hope you see what I mean?

it will want a full take out and reseal, both front and back sunroof! discool is right,
Have to say fixing the drain lines will only stop a bit of the water coming in . They will still overflow in heavy rain as they cant cope .As said by others . It will be the seal frame to roof . I left my drain lines off 2years ago as they were broke on both front and back roofs.and as they are only ment to take water away if the roofs left in tilt on a rainy day. hense why the glass has that little lip/gutter on the front edge to help the water drip into the front corners when tilted . I fix my seals and not a drop in in over 2years . Next time you get heavy rain wipe off the sunroof then open it . If there's water sitting the the inner drip channel (front comers ) the waters sitting there waiting for you to drive round the 1st corner . Or brake hard b4 drip drip drip !!!
Sorry to burst your bubble mate, but I too agree with Discool. Sunroof to roof seal is the culprit.
Sorry to burst your bubble mate, but I too agree with Discool. Sunroof to roof seal is the culprit.

Aye,did my drains first then ripped the lot out and sealed roof joints to body and no more leaks,sadly they all do it

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