
Well-Known Member
Cheers to the Nimbus grey 90, the '07 L322 (but thats probably to be expected.), the burgundy and the marine blue Disco's (with light bars and strobes) and the light coloured 110 that trammed past me earlier while i was trying to sort the slave cylinder bracket on my red gaylander between Wakefield and Barnsley earlier...
I was the one with the hazards on and the green legs sticking out from the front. :5brant:
Sorry to hear it bush and I sincerely hope it wasn't anybody on here. Its disgraceful, no excuse.....They didn't even stop to abuse you a little bit? Not even a curteousy shout from the window? What is the world coming to when so many landies pass a gaylander and nobodt stops to take the p**s....
Green legs:eek: you got Gangrene :hysterically_laughi

The legs are fine, well, the left one's a bit bandy but the gangrene is in my feet. They usually smell like a combination of rotting meyt and pond water :puke:

The least I'd have expected was somebody to lend me a lighter... flame: :D:D
If I drove past a Freelander with its hazard lights flashing and a pair of legs sticking out from beneath it, I'd simply assume that the driver had mown down a pedestrian whilst simultaneously applying lipstick in the rearview mirror, and call for an ambulance.

If I drove past a Freelander with its hazard lights flashing and a pair of legs sticking out from beneath it, I'd simply assume that the driver had mown down a pedestrian whilst simultaneously applying lipstick in the rearview mirror, and call for an ambulance.


Rofl to that:D:D
They probably had something much more important to attend to like rushing someone to hospital or picking up their kids. Maybe even buying the sunday papers.;)
If I drove past a Freelander with its hazard lights flashing and a pair of legs sticking out from beneath it, I'd:p simply assume that the driver had mown down a pedestrian whilst simultaneously applying lipstick in the rearview mirror, and call for an ambulance.

I don't do that anymore since I started taking the estrogen and I wear a hair piece so I've traded my hair straighteners in since I went bald... :lvkiss-106:
:D :p
If it had been a Ssangyong, Honda or Suzuki it wouldn't have been at the side of the road with it's hazards on.
If it looked like a honey trap, there was another red gaylander broken down in the area... (which isn't surprising :-D ...

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