Hi all,

I have heavy duty parabolic springs. 4 blade. Can i safely remove a blade to make them 3 blade? Picture for refrence. I know there are the lighter 3 blade ones available for sale, but i dont know if a 4 blade is modifiable to perform similarly to a "genuine" 3 blade.

The reason i want to do this is since im flying over every speedbump here.

Can't see why not but think it would have to be the second up from bottom in pic as top two have bush eye an safety curl. Lower leaf has guide bracket riveted to it.
Can't see why not but think it would have to be the second up from bottom in pic as top two have bush eye an safety curl. Lower leaf has guide bracket riveted to it.
Thanks for your input! i was thinking the bottom one myself, but hadnt noticed any rivets. But youre probably right, and i just didnt see them.

Ill be curious to see how big the gap between the leafs get. However on my front 2 blade one the gap is wide too, so it shouldnt matter too much i reckon.

Again thanks for the input!
Before you get the spanners out, check that you've enough thread on the U bolts. You might need a die to extend them.
Removing 25% of the leaves must make a massive impact on how they work? Might need to change the dampers?
It is a general thing that parabolic spring dampers should be of the gas type to cope with the free movement they have compared to normal packed leaf springs. However for general use landy's the standard dampers are fine.
Do not see any issue damper wise with reducing the leaf number. With standard springs different numbers of leaves in the pack were available but damper remained the same.
Be careful, what you are suggesting could be deemed as a major modification (effecting handling) by your insurer.
Doubt it. They don't count the leaves. As long as they know you've fitted parabolics they don't care. Afterall parabolic spring come in different specifications, three leaf springs are made from the same individual components as 4 leaf springs, bar the fourth leaf.
I have been running my 1984 109 FFR on 2 leafs, front and rear for over 5 years now without any problems.
Don't do any off roading, just bog and country lanes. Also removed the extended Shackles for standard ones and used the top holes for the springs. I wanted a softer ride and needed to lower the whole vehicle by 2 inches for me and my old dog. Worked a treat.
Doubt it. They don't count the leaves. As long as they know you've fitted parabolics they don't care. Afterall parabolic spring come in different specifications, three leaf springs are made from the same individual components as 4 leaf springs, bar the fourth leaf.
That's good news, insurers tend to be picky :rolleyes:

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