Last monday i had to start a 1000km round trip from Bundaberg to Warwick.
At about 3 am while in bed the whole house shok as if a washing machine was out of balance on the spin cycle so i thought i was dreaming but when I got up in the morning i found out there had been an earthquake of 5.2 magnitude about 100 km from here.
We started abut 9 am for warwick and travelled inland route past Ban Ban spring which is running for a change and arrived in Warwick about 3pm and did what we had to.
The next night we stayed at a motel in Toowoomba and on the TV the was a cyclone watch warning that a cyclone was forming in the coral sea and could intensify and cross the coast near Bundaberg.
The next day we had to go to Brisbane and stay with some friends there for the night and the cyclone was becoming a category 2 one which is not to bad but there was forecast for heavy rain on the Highway back to Bundaberg so we got an early start as it was a 5 hr journey and came across a few squalls and showers.
The cyclone was still moving towards the coast as at cat 2 but in the next few hours it increased intensity to a catagory 5 (winds of up to 295kph) which is one of the most severe cyclones to hit the Queensland coast.
It crossed the coat at a township called Yepoon and did damage to about 100 houses. From there on it carried on Inland decreasing to a catagory 2 and hit Rockhampton where it created more havoc and has .

luckily for us Yepoon is about 400 km north of us and all we got was fairly strong winds and about 1 in of rain. we were expecting anything from 300mm to 500mm but that did not eventuate.
Two years ago we were hit by mini typhoons which completely demolished at least 2 houses and after that there were floods which had over 1000 people left homeless so i guess we have had our far share of disaster .

even after all of this I dont think I would live anywhere else as the say "Queensland beautiful one day perfect the next

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