
New Member
Hi guys
A regular reader rather than poster, but hoping you can help.
I know there are lots of posts on this topic but hoping someone might be able to shed some light!
My disco 2 started sinking overnight at the rear a few weeks ago and the garage (an approved Landy one) diagnosed a leaking driver side airbag and replaced it.
Over the next night it sank again, only more on the passenger side now. It goes straight up as soon as I drive it.
Took it back to garage and they kept it overnight and said it didn't sink at all and also checked the passenger airbag and said all ok.
However it is still sinking, to varying levels seemingly depending on how it is parked, but sometimes as low as wheel arch almost touching tyre.
I know many of you recommend changing both airbags at the same time but is this going to solve it when they claim it is fine?
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I am a proud but limited knowledge Disco driver!
Cheers in advance.
Mine sinks, av got new bags just not fit em yet, hasn't sunk since saturday upto now, but some times it can do it twice in 1 day, they say you should fit both sides, and thats what i am going to do, then take it from there, maybe ride sensors?
my last disco was a 5 seater, coils!!! far better i thinks!!!
Always replace in pairs, could be your new bag is giving more height so the ride height is now not correct. Could be the garage not doing the pipes up correctly, raise it right up high, get the soapy spray and go to town with it, all over bag, all joints and ones inside the compressor box.
Always replace in pairs, and do it soon else you'll be replacing your burnt out compressor as well.
Replace both, If one needs doing the other won't be far behind.
Doddle of a job.
Instructions on here somewhere.

It seems the consensus is to replace the other airbag too then, thanks for the advice, will get it done and hope it gets everything back to normal!
Cheers guys
Agree on the changing things in pairs. To me it sounds more of a ride height sensor issue that's causing your upset though?

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