
New Member
Good day,
My name is Marileze. I am a Landrover TD5 owner and live in South Africa.
Yesterday one of the boys put the battery in the wrong way round and put the positive on the negative. It was an honest mistake.
Now the car won't start. Lights and all come on, but will not start at all.
What can it be?
I hope the problem is not too big, and that we can fix it quickly.
Please help me

That's a bit of an oppps:eek:.
This isn't really the best place to ask, you would be best to ask in the relevant section defender or disco and peeps will come forward with suggestions.
Got any pics of said stricken Landrover cos thats what we usually do in this section.

Good luck:).

You would think vehicle manufacturers would forsee this happening as a likley possibility and add some protection to the electronics. I think plugging a code reader in should be the first step to recovery.

Hi and welcome
I think someone else did this with another td5 earlier in the year? Can't remember, worth doing a search

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