JC Def 90

Good Evening all, hope everyone is keeping well.

I have a 90 pickup arriving, in need of a full respray.

Can anybody recommend around Cheshire/Manchester.

Many Thanks
Good Evening all, hope everyone is keeping well.

I have a 90 pickup arriving, in need of a full respray.

Can anybody recommend around Cheshire/Manchester.

Many Thanks
See my advice here LINK the same applies.

strip everything off it, buy some sand paper and some gloss rollers, get the colour of coach enamel you desire and have at it yourself on a warm day. Far cheaper and more satisfying than paying someone else to do it, and unless you are looking for a very un-defender like metallic colour will give a perfectly good finish for a defender. if you have the willing you could even try to spray it yourself, plenty here have had good results it is just not something I have ever tried.

If you are planning on a metallic colour then may I recommend choosing a better colour. Land rover peaked when their colour choices were only below. Pick one of these and have at it yourself ;)

Thanks for the response, yet I was hoping for a showroom finish in Aintree Green, I currently have a 110 pickup in this and would love it to match.

Nor, as per my wife do I have the skill 😂
Thanks for the response, yet I was hoping for a showroom finish in Aintree Green, I currently have a 110 pickup in this and would love it to match.

Nor, as per my wife do I have the skill 😂
Then my i recommend bronze green from the above chart ;)
I was thinking dark bronze green, trusting that is a thing?

Do you know if you can get Aintree or Epsom Green without the metallic finish.
I was thinking dark bronze green, trusting that is a thing?

Do you know if you can get Aintree or Epsom Green without the metallic finish.
Look at paintman and speak to them. You almost certainly will be able to.
I get my paint from a local supplier who mix to order. So I could go to them and request Epsom or aintree as a coach enamel and they would make it while you wait.

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