
New Member
Having just read the ****stolen defender**** fred by cookie, I am now somewhat concerned about the possibility some bastid will, at some point, try and steal my Landy. So whats the best way to protect it? I guess if someone really wants to take it, they'll probably suceed, but what are the best ways of detering these thievin bastids?
I thought the 2007 Defender's are fitted with remote central locking and an alarm? Also fitted with an immobiliser that only deactivates when the key is inserted.

Well if someone trys to tow it away, you could always clamp it. Is it possible to buy a wheel clamp?
it really dont matter wot you do, if they want it bad enough you wont stop them, ther was a guy in wishaw with an rs turbo years ago, car was sittin parked in the street all locked alarmed and so, two guys in broad day light turn up wi transporter, cut handbrake cables winched onto flatbed with alarm goin and not one person questioned what they were doin because it looked they were just recoverin car
Nope coz then you get done for shootin the feckers tryin to steal it!!!
Damn this brittish law
I have heard that they get stolen too!
when puffs and hairdressers need a ride home!!!!
Tek yer seat cover off, assuming you've got standard seats, an drill an self tapper the headrest stemthing to the seat frame, put yer seat cover back on. Buy a decent padlock an chain, Oxford do bike ones. Hinge yer seat forwards an wrap the padlock an chain round the headrest stem an steering wheel. Ok it won't stop someone who reely reeely want's to knick it but it'll make it hard for the opportunist bastard, an its relatively cheap.
Tek yer seat cover off, assuming you've got standard seats, an drill an self tapper the headrest stemthing to the seat frame, put yer seat cover back on. Buy a decent padlock an chain, Oxford do bike ones. Hinge yer seat forwards an wrap the padlock an chain round the headrest stem an steering wheel. Ok it won't stop someone who reely reeely want's to knick it but it'll make it hard for the opportunist bastard, an its relatively cheap.

Nice one Grunt, thankyou. I still got the bike chain I had for me c15. It's a reet proper heavy duty bastid, i'll dig it out the garage tomoro an give it a go.
if it's on a drive HB you could put a drive post in as well as the useual bobs and sods on the landy..

if on the street then you could always put a ground anchor in and put a bloody big chain an padlock round something not easily removeable..like axel front or rear bumper...an paint the chain bright yellow so the cnuts can see it's there..but use a decent padlock that will take a while to cut throu...

at least long enougth fer you to fire up yer chainsaw and run at em should do !!
sleep in the back of the landy (its like a home in there anyway) and if someone starts to nick it stihl them to death
if it's on a drive HB you could put a drive post in as well as the useual bobs and sods on the landy..

if on the street then you could always put a ground anchor in and put a bloody big chain an padlock round something not easily removeable..like axel front or rear bumper...an paint the chain bright yellow so the cnuts can see it's there..but use a decent padlock that will take a while to cut throu...

at least long enougth fer you to fire up yer chainsaw and run at em should do !!

Cheers Spudy. I dunno if anyone wud wanna nick mine, its quite old (86) but has bin resprayed an has a 300tdi chucked in it instead o the origional petrol lump. So she looks quite tidy. Yer just don't know do yer? What makes a Landy 'desireable' to these people?? Is it just newer ones that get targeted or ones with loads of mods? Who knows. I live in a cul-de-sac so you don't get people 'driving past' so to speak like yu would on a main road. And my neighbours are quite vigilent (I mean fookin nosey!) when it comes to strangers. But I have to leave it parked up by the garage as it won't fit inside it. I guess a garage it would fit into wud be helpful, cos then it wud'nt be on view at nite. I swear if I caught anyone trying to steal it, I wud murderize them horribley and painfully! Its the only thing I own, have EVER owned, that I've been this passionate about! Am gonna go sharpen me saw...!:D
if i caught anyone trying to nick my landy (even tho it is an old dog) i would..... i dunno what i would do, when my old orion was stolen i lost the plot (i went balistic it was in a carpark that is ment to have security patroling it and the security guard **** himself when i ripped into him) and i wasn't attached to that like i am my landy

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