Wesley Pegden

Well-Known Member
:p Sorry for the last wasted thread, I pressed the wrong button (what I twonker I am).
Anyway I'm well on the way so far as pulling the gearbox out of the Series 2 goes however I'm having a spot of bovver with the propshaft nuts on the back of the transmission brake.
As most of you will know ya can't get on with a socket and I'm reluctant to use a ring spanner. Paddocks sell summat called a "Propshaft Removal Tool", does anybody know if this little blighter is the man for the job?.

Regards from a very cold WP
hi have you tried moving the other end of the prop of first so give you a bit more movement on handbrake nuts then you can get a socket on it,try this tiga
Cheers tigapiglet, it's obvious now that you've pointed it out (Do'h). Stood ther scratchin me swede (head by the way!) and now I realise that it will create a larger gap near the UJ if the other end is lowered. Reckon I'm gonna change my name by deed poll to Homer (Do'h)

Regards WP.
Well as homer says "FEELING STUPID I KNOW I AM" only here to help we all have blond moments trouble is im grey now!, tiga
Think yerself lucky to be grey mate, I have'nt had a hair on the top of my swede since approx 1980, bald as a badger (whatever that means!). I'm thinking of having a rabbit tattooed on me bonce, it might look like HARE from a distance!!!!!!!!.
Cheers mate

Regards WP.
Just for the record, I've got one (prop removal tool) and it is good!
Basically if you can imagine a slim socket welded onto a slim extension bar, then the whole thing turned down in a lathe to remove as much extraneous metal as possible ... it's kinda like that. I put new UJ's in my props and painted them up with new gaiters & new bolts etc, using the tool meant that I didn't crunch all my nice new paint off when I came to refit them.
message to Wesley,

a chum of mine manages another chum's pest(bunny) problem - I can post you many bunny pelts(untreated) - should you wish to make a wig or murkin!!

:p Thanks for that topcatguzzi, will bear that in mind should I ever feel the need for a custom made "syrup". Anyway the gearbox is now out of the Landy and it's sat bold as brass in full view of my snotty, anally retentive neighbours !!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I did at first cover it with a small clean tarp but after a few choice stares from next door I decided "Bugger it" and promptly removed the tarp giving em a better view of the gearbox. I'm considering leaving it there for a while now. Managed to get those propshaft nuts off but only after removing UJ (God they were tight and well rounded those nuts on the back of me brake housing). Its amazing what you can do with some heat and a marginally undersized socket in conjunction with a hammer. All I need to do is find a reasonably priced recon unit from someone reputable.

Regards WP.

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