caravan doctor

New Member
hi folks,

replaced all me rear diff mounts at the weekend, and ever since ive developed a low down noise, it started to show itself on the motorway, its like a very low down "howl", if thats the way to describe it:doh:, now not all the while but it comes in at motorway speeds, and if i ease off the gas it tends to quieten down, if that makes sense

anyway, ive had it on the ramp at work, and lookin at the prop bearings you can grab hold of the props and move them up and down quite alot in the rubber supports(the back alot more than the front), and to be fare the rubber looks quite perished and cracked:eek:, now does this mean that the prop bearings are knackard, or is there normally this amount of play:confused:, and also am i right in thinking, by replacing the rear diff mounts, would this then show up the wear in the prop bearings, or am i barking up completley the wrong tree:doh:
There is a likelihood that the new diff bushes are now allowing the bearing noise to travel into chassis/cabin especially if they are quite stiff. From your inspection of the VCU bearings and rubbers there is a chance they are the source of the noise but usually it can be heard between the seats. Could also be the diff itself but going for the VCU bearings is the best and cheapest approach.

Also any change in the noise turning left or right would suggest wheel bearings
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just as i thought mate to be fare, theres no difrence in noise when turning right or left, and im farely confident it aint a wheel bearing(but i will check tomorow)

out of curiosity though, would you get any noise from the prop bearings when your on full lock at really low speed?????

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