
Active Member
Bank holiday project completed, well nearly.
The plan was to chop down the read door wheel carrier and bolt it to the bonnet such that the tyre was in contact with the bonnet when bolted down, spreading the load to as large an area as possible. Top tip, sort out your heavy duty bonnet prop FIRST.
After much searching on this (and other forums) the advice ranged from stick it on the bonnet it'll be OK (don't think so). Checker plate first then spare (tried that, spare bounced around on road, would destroy the bonnet off road). E-blag a bonnet already set up for a spare, probably wouldn't work with my alloys, and I couldn't be arsed with the painting. Stump up £440 to the main stealer for a kit of parts (not very likely). Also couldnt find pics of a bonnet that looked like mine on the under side.
After a bit of pratting about with an angle grinder and some unistrut I am well pleased. Doesn't rattle or jump around and best of all when the screen is squirted when doing 70 the spare gets a wash as well.
And it looks the dogs, time for a :beer2:


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