The Mad Hat Man

Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
just an yper-fetical Q but...

If I gorra series and replaced the chassis wiv a coil sprung one and then fitted the axles orf a disco, wud it still be classified as a series?

an if, at a later stage I fitted a 200tdi lump and boxes, would it STILL be classified as a series?

I dont mean a tax-exempt coz of the points system - just a normal late series 3.
and then if yer fitted a F40 body followed later by F40 engine and drive train and later still by F40 surpension and brakes... or perhaps yer could talk to nasa and see if you could stick a space shuttle body on it and follow that up with a saturn 5 rocket. then yer could have the first original series landy to go into orbit around the moon
yeah - i get ya point - but WHEN does it cease to be a series? on replacement of the chassis - or the fitting of non std axles?
yeah - but my series has a 2.5 defender injun in it - it aint been re-registered as a special or a defender - thats my point - there must be some boundary yu cant cross before re-registering with the DVLA. WHEN IS IT?
mmm! ad say as soon as yer change the body but then thats bin done and its still a series. best yer contact dvlc
do as all the newbies are told DO A SEARCH as hybrids have been covered loads of times, basically say nothing just declare change of fuel when the time comes.
DVLC have a point system when deciding on taxfree status more than 8 it's not a series. but I don't think they apply it unless your after tax exemption
That's why I said ah dint think it applied if yer wern't after tax exemption. Yer ****.
Are you askin' if yer need a Q plate? Dunt reckon yer do, yer jest need ter inform yer insurers as far as I know..
can't see a problem then aslong as the V5 and chassis plate match why bother informing dvla aboot anything.
nope - i just wondered if the chassis, axles and engine/box was changed - when aint it the original car fur the DVLC? I assume that yu need to notify yo insurance company and the DVLC of a new chassis number (do yu get a new chassis number with a new chassis?) and new engine number as they are stated on the V5.
no chassis numbers on a new chassis, just let them know of the engine number change. or as grippa has stated if you declare everything they will want to q plate it and that might involve havin a SVA test (one advantage of a q plate is that there is only a basic emmissions test required at mot time(petrol))

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