Hi Guys,

Looking for some guidance as ever!

Just had the EGR replaced on MY10 4.4 TDV8 (valve was stuck open) - since this time I have noted white smoke on start up and that wonderful smell of unburnt oil/diesel.

Vehicle returned to independent who has identified that the EGR is clean and dry (all good), but when removing the pipe from the EGR to the intake, the intake is full of oil. Thoughts are that this could be the oil return pipe from the turbo's getting clogged...… Does this sound right? is their a known issue with the breathers? (had the turbo's replaced before I bought the vehicle last December). Now over the weekend the vehicle has gone into 'Restricted Performance' on two occasions, both times after I have driven her for more than 30 mins.

Any idea's or suggested threads to read through would be appreciated.


I'm not familiar with the TDV8, but turbo's normally have separate oil returns for each, which normally drain back to the lower half of the block. The only way that oil can get from the turbo's to the intake manifold, is via the shaft seals. Some oil is always present in the intake, but how much is present is the clue. It not uncommon to see a small dribble of oil on the bottom of the pipes, but much more than that means an potential issue with the breather system, or the turbo seals are leaking.
Thanks for the response, she’s going back in on Thursday to have the fault diagnosed and resolved! From the video sent through from the garage there is quite a bit of oil so suspect an issue with the breather system based on the technician initial thoughts and yours. Will post update when sorted.
Thanks for the response, she’s going back in on Thursday to have the fault diagnosed and resolved! From the video sent through from the garage there is quite a bit of oil so suspect an issue with the breather system based on the technician initial thoughts and yours. Will post update when sorted.
Did they replace the oil pipes when they did the turbo? I remember something about them becoming restricted by crud because they get hot from the proximetry of the exhaust.

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