
Well-Known Member
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For some reason when I try to upload pictures to a thread the forum software tells me I'm not allowed to do that. Is there a problem or have things changed since the last time I uploaded stuff a few weeks ago?

EDIT: I get a dialogue box that pops up with the following text in it:

The following error occurred:
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
I’m glad its not only me then. :) And yes the LandZone site went down yesterday afternoon for a short while, the explanation was something about an expired certificate… as Nodge68 states it has happening be:(
Links to videos aren't working either. Shows in the preview but nothing there once posted.
Sorry I thought I'd already replied.

We're changing servers so a few bugs need ironing out.

Normal slack, disinterested service will return shortly.

Your call is important to us. Please hold until your call is no longer important to you. ;)
Lol Im told "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action" which is fair enough how dare i try to upload pictures to my own thread PSML :p:p These new AI bots are just so brutal when they decide your comment is pants.

Time to feed the SQL monkey more M&M's me thinks
I've found that I can CTRL-C and CTRL-V from files I have on the pc, no need for the forum dialogue/software to be involved.


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