
New Member
After an abortive trip to Morocco earlier this year, we are preparing for a trip to the Tunisian Sahara in October 2010.

My car is fairly well prepared but we are making many more mods over the next few months.

I have detailed some of these and I will be adding plenty more on my website (www.overland-rovers.com). You are welcome to comment and ask any questions.

I shall make the articles as detailed as possible to show how things were fitted, where they came from, how they were made and how successful they were.

In addition I will be running a 'countdown blog' until we leave on the 2nd October 2010 and then updating it remotely during the trip.

Many of the ideas and mods have come from things I have seen on forums and other personal websites. This site is my way of giving something back to the online community.

A few examples of the articles added so far:

Fitting Range Rover Seats
Equipment storage
Rear door table
Long range fuel tanks

I will update this post as I add more.
I hope you find it interesting

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I'm afraid not. I did plan to make something myself but when I saw the discoparts bracket I decided on that route instead.

It may be worth looking at some of the other rear bumper makers to see if they have something similar.
I was going to put a link in the article to discoparts.com, but when I searched it was a dead page.

Looking on some of the forums it would seem that the company is no more, having shut down some time ago.

This is where I first got the idea from Landroverdiscovery.net

Perhaps these pictures are a bit clearer.

Other than that I cant be of much help. If I remove the bumper any time soon I will take some measurements.

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