
New Member
It seems that there's a few of us who are wanting to do an extreme mission...travelling a different continent or several!

This thread is intended to be for sharing planning info, mods, suggestions, training, build-ups and discussion for anyone wanting to do so in 1-3yrs time. This might also be a place for like-minded people to co-ordinate and team up for expeditions...

Please no stupid answers, this is all about hard-core and important stuff only. ;) Let the conversation begin!!! :D
mbike where are you planning to go ? and what sort of prep advice are you looking for ? :cool:
p.s. suggest you dont take the wrangler:eek:
The thing that worrys me about a good expidition, is getting lost when I enter Morocco, and further south.
I have tried with Boogers wonderful assistance to get my gps thingie working, even just to give me a chance to follow the right direction, when I run out of road signes, (which I can't read any way) and then eventually, run out of road.
I would be panic if I did not know just what direction to drive.
My weakest point is gps navigation.
This is where I really need to brush up on.

what you thinking mate... the european boys go east... you , me and the other fellas over here go north west and we meet somewhere in asia for a beer and a barby :D:p
Vette - don't worry about navigation...if you head in a direction for long enough you will get there eventually! Our 50p compass has been enough for us. (disclaimer: please note if anyone follows my advice and gets lost forever or killed, I cannot take responsibility!)
Maybe a map reading course or online tutorial could be a good idea? Dead easy once u know how you wont need a gps-follow the sun and the stars and learn some Arabic/French to read the signposts!Good Luck!!
The thing that worrys me about a good expidition, is getting lost when I enter Morocco, and further south.
I have tried with Boogers wonderful assistance to get my gps thingie working, even just to give me a chance to follow the right direction, when I run out of road signes, (which I can't read any way) and then eventually, run out of road.
I would be panic if I did not know just what direction to drive.
My weakest point is gps navigation.
This is where I really need to brush up on.


'Vette not advertising here ok... if you want to shoult spam then go ahead!

We could easily fit you with a tracking device and a link staight back home that will allow you contact someone here in the UK who will be able to see your position and let you know whaich direction to drive in...

The thing is that this is a little high Tech for what you need.

A compass; a map and a short tuition on how to use them will be everything you need to keep you inline with the next waypoint. If you get lost, a GPS will give you lat lon of where you are and you can easily transfer that to mapping software
This is going a bit off-topic it seems...
Who from here is keen on overlanding in the next few years?
I am... In a group though would be nicer!

This is going a bit off-topic it seems...
Who from here is keen on overlanding in the next few years?
I am... In a group though would be nicer!


I'm going more places, but I'm probably going solo, for the following reasons :

To find someone that wants to go to exactly the same places as you at exactly the same time, and with the same budget, very hard. Especially if you are doing a whole Africa trip.

You also have to agree on what is good offroad fun, and what is too hard. When is a good time to travel, and when is a good time to stop. Wether you want to sightsee, eat out, not eat out, not sightsee, etc, all stressful when everyone wants to do their own thing.

You have to make alot of compromises in a group, kind of like being Married :doh:

I find solo travel much more exilerating, as for being lonely, just the opposite for me. When I am by myself I talk to more strangers, meet more locals, and do more fun stuff, you kind of have to ;)

But that's me, if you need the company, and most people do apparently, then try and find another vehicle, or even better, a travel buddy for your vehicle, who is blonde, 6 foot tall, massive boobies, a nymphomaniac, award winning chef, and fully qualified mechanic :D
Vette - don't worry about navigation...if you head in a direction for long enough you will get there eventually! Our 50p compass has been enough for us. (disclaimer: please note if anyone follows my advice and gets lost forever or killed, I cannot take responsibility!)
Rusty, you really crack me up,

I will touch base with Booger again, I am sure he is the kind of guy to help get the gps into my head.

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or even better, a travel buddy for your vehicle, who is blonde, 6 foot tall, massive boobies, a nymphomaniac, award winning chef, and fully qualified mechanic :D

You missed out medic!

Your points are well put though... you only have read Quiet for A Tuesday by tom Sheppard to understand the attraction of solitude!
We'll be off in April 2013, for a RTW trip for who knows how long. Selling the house and everything. Had enough of europe, and all the arse holes who keep telling me i have to carry on working to i am 67. Been at it since i was 15. 40 years, is long enough. Hope to hear from more RTW planners.
We are off April/ May 2012 London to NZ. Discovery td5.

Working on prep and route planning

Am based in London

Happy to meet up with anyone to share ideas etc

Hi Richard :)

which route are you taking? Russia, China or India?

we are thinking Aus or Canada 2013 via the Stans/Mongolia/Siberia


Plan is Iran to Pak to India to Nepal to China to Laos etc on to East Timor

If we can't do Pak (there seem to be some visa issue arising for some folks travelling at the moment - no doubt will be different by 2012), then we will think about the Stans.

Plan is Iran to Pak to India to Nepal to China to Laos etc on to East Timor

If we can't do Pak (there seem to be some visa issue arising for some folks travelling at the moment - no doubt will be different by 2012), then we will think about the Stans.

What about Iranian Visa's, I have heard a lot of trouble getting them recently. but again may change in 2 years time.

keep us updated on your route/progress :)

But that's me, if you need the company, and most people do apparently, then try and find another vehicle, or even better, a travel buddy for your vehicle, who is blonde, 6 foot tall, massive boobies, a nymphomaniac, award winning chef, and fully qualified mechanic :D

Hmm, my travel partner fits none of those descriptions. But he can talk and read Arabic well, that is a definate bonus! I think travelling in a group would be cumbersome. There are lots of things i could think of that I would never have done if we were in a large group.

We'll be off in April 2013, for a RTW trip for who knows how long. Selling the house and everything. Had enough of europe, and all the arse holes who keep telling me i have to carry on working to i am 67. Been at it since i was 15. 40 years, is long enough. Hope to hear from more RTW planners.

Sounds brilliant. If I had a house to sell, I would do it.

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