
Hi all,

Got back to the car the other day to see that the drivers side wing mirror had been pushed / smacked in.
Didn't think much of it at the time, just moved it out to normal and drove home. Then decided to make sure that the power fold still worked, which it did, or so I thought. Both mirrors folded in properly but won't unfold properly. The passenger one is fine but the drivers side folds out, then folds forward! Trying to fold them back up again (using the switch) the passenger one comes in to the folded position like normal but the drivers side returns to the normal out position, as if it's 90 degrees out to the passenger one - it's quite comical to look at!

Is this just a case of one of the locator pins inside broken (read that from another post) or is this something different and is a new mirror called for?

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Try folding the mirror to the correct position when it's in the incorrect fully forward position. That might re-set it's drive assembly.
Thanks - that seems to have worked for now, the drivers mirror definitely takes longer to move in or out than the passenger one though and sounds a bit rough, but there's nothing saying that it hasn't been given a wallop before.

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