the boy

New Member
My 90 has just dropped all of the powered steering fluid out onto the road outside a friends house. I am not sure exactly where it has come from, I am hoping that it is just a hose or something. Is this a common problem? I think that the pump is still working, I can hear it spinning. Will it damage it if I drive it without any fluid in? I need to get it to somewhere where I can fix it.
Not a common problem that I have heard of. I wouldnt drive it on any long trips if you could help it until you have it checked and fixed. Get it checked pronto.
although new to landy's mate i spent several years as a mechanic and if you don't want to knacker the steering pump then don't drive it until it's fixed
Remove the drive belt from the pump - youll only damage it by running it dry. Drive without powerstearing to where you need to be BUT - drive extremely carefully as the steering will be very heavy
Thank you for your responses, Won't be driving it. It is now on a trailer as the gearbox has finally given up, something which was expected, and it is booked in with LEGS on Wednesday. However I could do with fixing the steering beforehand. I'll get onto it tomorrow. Cheers!

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