
New Member
Bit of help required!

Away from my owners manual and noticed the power steering fluid was going below minimum

Went to local supermarket (en France you know) and they have two differing kinds - one says about not DOT1 or 2 etc...

Any idea on what I should be using

1999 1.8XEi Petrol 2nd HG Freelander

Hi pinewoodblue might be wrong here but think dots refer to brake fluid ,wot you need fer topping up power steering is [atf]dexron11d or 111or the duckhams[autotrans111] the abreve atf means automatic transmission fluid. . .:)
Thanks for that - it's my translation skills that are letting me down at the moment - the bottles say for hydraulic systems, brakes, power assisted etc so at least I know the DOT is for the brakes - will continue the fight :)

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