
Senile Member
I've noticed on a couple of threads that people that weren't there pop up after the event with "why didn't you", "I'd have done...." type comments. Does this really help?

I thought the idea was to get people on their way and home safely. Won't this put people of helping if they think that there every move is going to be dissected by armchair mechanics after the event?

I'm not talking about real knowledge, if there is an easier way of doing something then fine, we can all learn from that but more about the "I'd have done it better" type comments.

Maybe you would, but to do that you'd have to be there.
I've noticed on a couple of threads that people that weren't there pop up after the event with "why didn't you", "I'd have done...." type comments. Does this really help?

I thought the idea was to get people on their way and home safely. Won't this put people of helping if they think that there every move is going to be dissected by armchair mechanics after the event?

I'm not talking about real knowledge, if there is an easier way of doing something then fine, we can all learn from that but more about the "I'd have done it better" type comments.

Maybe you would, but to do that you'd have to be there.

I wouldn't have said it like that 😜
No it doesn't help.

It might do at the time. Many heads...., but the call has to be with those there; and primarily with the owner of the vehicle. It is, after all, their risk.
Pics can look very decieving aswell. some recoveries look easy when technically difficult others vary let people give their 2pence late if it give them a warm feeling inside then great personally I'd take no notice. Normally there is a very good reason for not doing X even if its lack of the recovery teams experience doing X and sticking to something they know and are confident to do even if it looks long winded.

Many recoveries people dig the winch out far too often in my opinion but I have done more than my fair share of recovery work with a decent rope. Half of it is justification of owning a winch, using a toy (us blokes like to play with techy stuff) and probably lack of trust in using a rope. Not a bad thing aslong as its all safe 1 nobody gets hurt and 2 ideally none of the cars suffer damage and everyone goes home happier then jobs done in my book. Any fecker can sit at home behind a computer and moan and groan about how they would do it but not many of those moany feckers will get off their ass for a noobie or even an LZ member.
I would like to think a few members on here that have gone out of their way on several occasions get a certain respect. I know I respect those that go out their way to help others.
I've noticed on a couple of threads that people that weren't there pop up after the event with "why didn't you", "I'd have done...." type comments. Does this really help?

I thought the idea was to get people on their way and home safely. Won't this put people of helping if they think that there every move is going to be dissected by armchair mechanics after the event?

I'm not talking about real knowledge, if there is an easier way of doing something then fine, we can all learn from that but more about the "I'd have done it better" type comments.

Maybe you would, but to do that you'd have to be there.

true,but if this issue is put on a forum, then people are entitled to give their opinion aren't they.;)

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