
Active Member
Good Day! Have recently retired and taken the plunge into Landy ownership with a military series 3. I've been absorbed for a while by the forum, which has helped me in deciding to go for it. Always loved these cars and have fond memories of rattling around in the back of my dads Series 2 Station Wagon (4950 EH was the reg if anyone aware of current location). Couple of disappointments, one with the seat belt laws and safety rules (nanny state, PC gone mad, etc), and the other was not realising/remembering their vulnerability to attack. Hadn't owned it a full two weeks before I disturbed two scallies hanging off the drivers door top at 2am trying to get into my pride and joy. I will be looking at ways to make it less vulnerable and may have to pick some brains on other threads in the near future. Neither of these minor disappointments can possibly blight my affair with my new found best friend, and neither are the fault of this magnificent charger. Looking forward to many years of chat about Landys!


Liverpool scallys like their Land Rovers , or that's what LZ southern folk would have us believe .

Welcome to LZ .
Why does the Mersey run through the Wirral?

Cos it would get mugged if it walked!!

:welcome2: to the mad house!

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