
New Member
Hi all

First of all I'm new to the forums & have only had a Freelander for a few months... So I'm a complete noob :)

The Problem:

When I have the FL on full lock and move forward it feels like the breaks are binding also this happens in reverse (on full lock only)

I have read through the forums and this seems to be a common problem and it seems to be with the VCU, I have done the chalk test on the prop etc as shown in an earlier post, the chalk line had moved so indicating the VCU has not seized up completely.
What i need to know do I need to get the VCU replaced ASAP, will this cause any other problems with diffs etc or do I need to fix this problem with a VCU dampening kit.

I do apologise if this sounds stupid as I'm a complete novice, if anyone can shead alittle light on this for me it will much appreciated
Also does anyone know where I can get these parts from at a reasonable price.. ;)

all the best

2001 Freelnder GS TD4
A degree of braking action on lock is a normal charateristic of any vehicle with a VCU.

If it becomes extreme, it is a sign of a seized VCU.

If you have done the Tippex Test correctly the you should find that reassuring. (OK, you used chalk, but we will let you off that minor indiscretion.)

An alternative test is the Ashcroft method (www.ashcroft-transmission.co.uk or do a search on this forum as it has been covered many a time).

The VCU damper is a part of the VCU already. It is a rubber ring that acts to prevent vibration as the VCU turns with the propshaft. You shouldn't need to replace this in your crcumstance.


Yes the Blip man is correct. . . .its a common thing wiff gaylanders ,more prenounced on pre 2001. . .they changed the drive ratio just after that and it did improve it, so dont worry if the Willo test was ok :) :) :)

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