
New Member
I had the gearbox go last year returning from holiday, pulling off the slip road 4th-5th then BANG, no drive but had 4th so drove to next services, I sent the TD5 for a recon box to be fitted, after paying out £900 + a new clutch, looked underneath and no new clean box (just a new bolt on piece at the back of the box)....I queried the guy and he told me he had no R380 boxes so reconded mine. Now mine had a slight problem with 2nd and 3rd gear being a bit crunchy,(thinking sycromesh?) after driving this seemed to have dissappeared, now 4 months later it started agin worst than ever seems to be up and down the box in 2nd and 3rd but not all the time, It cant be the oil as I had him put evo 1 and 2 in the box and transfer box, also last night noticed a slight whine in 5th under slight load

Any ideas, do you think they didnt change the sycros when reconing the box before?

I would like to go back to them with some idea of what is wrong, I'm not paying out again for this gearbox, they can fully repair it


i'd just go back and say 'oi, its doing it again. this time fix it properly and by the way i'm not paying'

worked for me when a guy did a bad job on a steering box last year.

£900 is steep, and now its doing it again? i'd be rather rude to him
i'd just go back and say 'oi, its doing it again. this time fix it properly and by the way i'm not paying'

worked for me when a guy did a bad job on a steering box last year.

£900 is steep, and now its doing it again? i'd be rather rude to him

I never told him about the 2nd and 3rd gear problems before as I thought i was getting a recon box, surely they would change all the syncros for a recon box anyhow?
A recon should be a complete dis-assemble then strip and clean every part, then decide whether that part needs replacing or its good enough to be re fitted.

Sounds to me like he just refitted old parts because he couldn't get them/couldn't be arsed/didn't know what he was doing.
looks like I maybe shafted, seen a post on another forum from last week stating that LEGS in Wrexham has gone under:eek:

Can anyone confirm?

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