Hi everyone,

I have a serious dilemma, a week ago, in the 40 degree heat the UK was subjected to, my poor Rangey, had cracked her hose coming from my LPG to the head, and lost her 11 litres of OAT coolant, and i was staying at a friends house, so let it cool down and the following day repaired to hose and had to put water in the cooling system, as i didn’t have access to getting 11 litres ig OAT coolant, ran the engine and filled the system, and was ticking over there were big air pockets in the system and the rangey spilled most of her temporary coolant on the floor so topped up the expansion tank and the rangey started to calm down so put the cap on and turned off the engine, and thought that would get me home tomorrow, so tomorrow came got in the car, started my journey home, i got about 6-7 miles and the temp began to rise and finally got the temp red light, and hear an almighty clattering under the bonnet, buy this time on the motorway, so pulled onto the hard shoulder, opened the bonnet and steam and oil smoke , so had the Rangey relayed home, The following day drained the water coolant from her and replaced with OAT coolant and bled the system, the rangey started up and the coolant was circulating around the engine normally, kept pressure all good, so did a short trip about a mile, and the clattering sound cane when accelerating, so I assumed that i had hurt my gearbox, so did a bit of research, and looking like head gasket has gone, no heres my dilemma, i am not mechanical minded, so was wondering if there is anyone on this forum who is near Ellesmere Port or surrounding area, or point me in the right direction, that is willing to help me change my head gasket, i dont want to pay the extortionate prices, that garage are charging me, and some wont even touch her as shes too old!! but will come to some arrangement of paying for any help changing my gasket, i really dont want to get rid of her, as shes been a great car and shes is my first range rover and be very sorry to see her go

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