
Hi all, ive just fitted a new gearbox(R380) into my 3.9L V8.

Replaced all the fluids with the correct one's (MTF94 n EP90 in Transfer box). Put all back together but cant select gears when the engine is running.

If i gently push i can get 3,4,5th but nowt else.When i try 1st n 2nd the car trie's to move forward.

I can stop the engine and select 1st or 2nd then start it no problem.

I can hear ther thrust bearing,but when i depress the pedal it DOESNT disappear like i think it should do.

Therefore i think i need to bleed my clutch cylinder.

Am i right in what i am thinking?

If so why has this happened as it was ok with the old gearbox.

No fluid loss anywhere ,reservior full.

Cheers in advance for help
If the clutch slave and master haven't been touched its unlikely that air has got in unless there is a complete coincidence of a problem in the master. Sounds like an adjustment issue. 1st thing to check is slave travel - get someone to depress the clutch while ur under the car and you should be able to see it move - I'm not an expert on Landy's but its usually around 40mm of movement on the slave piston. If its not moving that much then it might be the master cylinder.

If you have that then its likely to be adjustment - i.e. the slave is not moving the plate far enough, which is often caused by the slave spending much of its time taking up the slack rather than moving the fork. There is usually an adjustment on the end of the push rod that will allow the slack to be taken up, to the point where the clutch fork is no longer loose at rest.

Try these first.
or you have put the clutch plate in the wrong way round or the fork is incorrectly fitted was it a v8 gearbox not a tdi one?

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