
New Member
I'm considering either of the above as (for health reasons) I need a comfortable, refined vehicle and like 4x4 and a higher driving position. I'm looking for good ride quality and a quiet, refined cabin.

So, I have a few questions....

Any particular pros/cons for either model?

How would you recommend to buy?... main dealer with LR warranty? Independent?... Private with aftermarket warranty or don't bother with warranty and have a "war-chest" back up fund?!

I'm not into "spannering" myself and need the most hassle free running experience as possible for the aforementioned health reasons.

Your advice very much appreciated.

I don't know either, but go in with your eyes open, thinking what's wrong with it that made someone sell it.
You can have good and bad luck with main dealers and independents, buying from a main dealer doesn't guarantee a mint purchase. Anything less than perfect, walk away. No, scrub that.. run!!
If you have health problems, you might be better looking at something reliable, especially as you are not into DIY mechanics, unless of course you have very deep pockets. For hassle free, look at the Toyota Land Cruiser.
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Oh and from personal experience, any problem with the car, take it back straight away, leave the key and tell them to fix it. Non of this.. we'll fix it next week nonsense
Do you want looks or reliability? Remember, a Range Rover is not a car, it's a time consuming hobby. You should always have a back up vehicle if you want to be sure of having transport.
And have a knack in replacing parts before you need to
Do you want looks or reliability? Remember, a Range Rover is not a car, it's a time consuming hobby. You should always have a back up vehicle if you want to be sure of having transport.

Really?... are even the modern ones that bad?
Personally, i think the reputation lingers.. but you do have to keep on top of servicing and routine maintenance
Really?... are even the modern ones that bad?
The newer ones are worse, the electronics are so complex that often they are nigh on unfixable. Plus the engines and gearboxes are not good, broken cranks or turbo trouble on some models and gearbox problems.
I wouldn't have a modern one as a gift except perhaps to sell it on.
The crank issue was the tdv6 engine, not used in the FF?
I thought the 8 speed zf was ok with the proviso it's looked after.. used in lots of marques
The l405 was prone to rear diff failure apparently there was a shortage of replacement ones ,,Something to do with bearing turning in the diff housing ,thats the only horror story iv herd...;)..
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I've been looking at them but got put off by that engine. I know someone posted on here about changing the crank but I wouldn't fancy that job.
Not sure if you can get a warranty that just covers a snappy crank?
Saw a nice one on Autotrader with 84k on the clock and a new engine 14k ago :eek:

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