

I'm soon to be getting a CB radio and i'd like to have 2 antennas, one of them just being for show. I was thinking of positioning them each end of the roof light bar that i have on order but i'd just like to know if thats a good place? I have seen picture after picture of the antennas fitted to either of the rear corners of the roof on defenders and would like to know if there is any reason for that?
Why would you want one for show? That would be like having two snorkels! ... although I suppose you'd have a spare if the working one gets nicked. If you're getting upright antennas and mounting them on the front roof corners I would say it would look pretty Chav and would look better on a Vauxhall Nova. I had ONE antenna on my last 90 that I fitted to the back just above the crossmember and meant that only about a foot went above the roof. More than this and it will look like you should be driving on the dodgems :D:D
Middle of the roof with a thin steel plate underneath either inside or on top of roof , antenna bolted through it, best for all round reception. Oh and earth the metal back to the battery.
Mine is on my front wing. The chequer plate is sturdy so it won't dint it. I get a good signal. In theory, higher is better but I have a 5ft ariel so it's still taller than my roof by a long way.

Update: you can just about see it on my avatar.
i used to have one on my discos spare wheel on the back door and it was ok signal, but on the 90 i have used a gutter mount and its better.
Middle of the roof with a thin steel plate underneath either inside or on top of roof , antenna bolted through it, best for all round reception. Oh and earth the metal back to the battery.

For all round reception/transmission yes but at the back of the vehicle throws the reception/transmission further forward.

Pretty academic though if your only ever using it at play n play sites etc to keep in touch with those near you. ;)

Mine is located on bull bar and has the benifit of being a range finder for low branches. If they ping the aerial I aint gonna get under :D :D
For all round reception/transmission yes but at the back of the vehicle throws the reception/transmission further forward.

Pretty academic though if your only ever using it at play n play sites etc to keep in touch with those near you. ;)

Mine is located on bull bar and has the benifit of being a range finder for low branches. If they ping the aerial I aint gonna get under :D :D

The type of answer i was looking for :) thank you!

As for the twin antenna thing i have always thought they look awesome, i have 2 CB antennas on my tractor and so do many other farmers in my area, i also have seen a lot of proper off-road prepared Defenders around my way with 2 Antennas so it's obvious i'm not the only one who thinks they look good.
maybe asking a stupid question, but is there a certain type of cb that is used? i have been looking around for one, but just seem to be looking at all sorts of crap! how much is it for a reasonable set up?
I've got mine mounted to the back corners of ma roof rack, 1cb ariel n 1 VHF ariel, both get used, don't think I would have 2 ariels if I only needed 1, just a waste o money that
I had 2 6' magmounts on my front bumper of my 109 years ago when cb's were the craze and it did look cool when bouncing over the fields, mind you i had lights all over it aswell:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
maybe asking a stupid question, but is there a certain type of cb that is used? i have been looking around for one, but just seem to be looking at all sorts of crap! how much is it for a reasonable set up?

I'd say for under £100 you can get a very good cb with everything you need. I got a package deal at a show for about £80 I think but the cb alone is over £100 usually. It's a midland, I find midland ones are very good but I have to admit the screen broke on this one the very first time I used it off road. They swapped it no questions asked though.
Why would you want one for show? That would be like having two snorkels! ... although I suppose you'd have a spare if the working one gets nicked. If you're getting upright antennas and mounting them on the front roof corners I would say it would look pretty Chav and would look better on a Vauxhall Nova. I had ONE antenna on my last 90 that I fitted to the back just above the crossmember and meant that only about a foot went above the roof. More than this and it will look like you should be driving on the dodgems :D:D

Oh no. I have a 1.4 metre cb antenna on my roof. I now look at it and think, dodgem...
Geek question sorry!
If you set the swr as low as possible on each antenna, then connect together as one as a t-junction in the coax, in theory you should be ok to use both at the same time as one antenna, if you had two pure 1/4 it would be like a 1/2 wave on your defender, question is how directional would it be? Side to side or front to rear, remember your grounding would be in the opposite direction to the antennas.

Any one who understands my rambling, be interested in your thoughts

/geek ;)

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