
Well-Known Member
Every month, there's a large charity sale near to where I live ( Sue Ryder sale in Nettletbed ). Held in the grounds of a large country house, hundreds of cars turn up and park up in the nicely mown parking areas, every month in the winter dozens of cars get stuck. Spinning madly on the greasy, muddy surface. There must be a dozen Defenders parked up every month ( other Landies too! ) and yet I'm the only bugger willing to get my hands dirty to drag the stricken out! Last month's highlight was a gran, daughter, granddaughter combo and today was a pregnant lady on her tod.
Am I just too charitable? No one else bothered helping ( not just Landy drivers ), one Defender driver chortled by whilst I was hooking-up and looked at me like I was a madman.
What's wrong with people lending a hand these days? Especially fellow Landy drivers!?
Selfish people drive all types of cars including land rovers, as a truck driver it always surprises me how car drivers don't let each other out into the traffic even though it will delay them getting home by the matter of seconds. Every man for themselves mentality
In fairness to some defender drivers. ..we don't all go out kitted for recovery or towing....before this last year, I didn't have a recovery point or a tow rope whilst I agree most of it may be down selfishness but perhaps we shouldn't judge or assume that is the reason .
Never understood why people think that anyone who drives a green oval, Must be a "good egg." Quite a few of them are knowingly driving around in someone else, landrover. quite a few more have knowingly sold their heap of **** rustbox with knackered transmission, described as a good solid offroader in great mechanical condition. So the news that a few of them won't or don't help stuck motorists. Comes as no surprise at all... :rolleyes:
Whilst I probably would help I also want to say that owning a land rover doesn't instantly mean you become a one man recovery team. These people are under no obligation to help anyone that's stuck and its grossly unfair to label them selfish just because they choose not to stop and help. These drivers know that their vehicles get stuck in the grass every winter, perhaps for the next event they could buy a land rover...
Never understood why people think that anyone who drives a green oval, Must be a "good egg." Quite a few of them are knowingly driving around in someone else, landrover. quite a few more have knowingly sold their heap of **** rustbox with knackered transmission, described as a good solid offroader in great mechanical condition. So the news that a few of them won't or don't help stuck motorists. Comes as no surprise at all... :rolleyes:

I go to events just as they're finishing just so I can smugly drive around past everyone slipping around and then leave
In fairness when your tow rope snaps and crowns some child or you rip the front out of someone's Jag you are liable, land rover wont jump in and tow you out of court. Are you a trained recovery driver? Does your insurance cover include you being a recovery truck?
There are people out there who would take you to the cleaners if something went wrong.
I often read about LR owners going out in the snow to ''recover'' what ever vehicles they come across, a shackle flying through the air at **** loads of miles per hour can proper dent the bejesus out of a nice shiny Mondeo, or someone's forehead.
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Whilst I probably would help I also want to say that owning a land rover doesn't instantly mean you become a one man recovery team. These people are under no obligation to help anyone that's stuck and its grossly unfair to label them selfish just because they choose not to stop and help. As a defender driver I know how to get stuck on the grass every time,

Edited for accuracy
Fine. Turns out that the majority of us are feckin selfish. Won't bother helping anyone out anymore. " what's that luv? you've got stuck and you've got a kid in the back and you want ME to help?! F*ck off! This vehicle and these hands are for me!"
In fairness when your tow rope snaps and crowns some child or you rip the front out of someone's Jag you are liable, land rover wont jump in and tow you out of court. Are you a trained recovery driver? Does your insurance cover include you being a recovery truck?

There are people out there who would take you to the cleaners if something went wrong.

I often read about LR owners going out in the snow to ''recover'' what ever vehicles they come across, a shackle flying through the air at **** loads of miles per hour can proper dent the bejesus out of a nice shiny Mondeo, or someone's forehead.

I'll take advice from a guy that wants to know which actor would be best to arse him with a pinch of salt! ( salt with the advice, not the bumming ).
Fine. Turns out that the majority of us are feckin selfish. Won't bother helping anyone out anymore. " what's that luv? you've got stuck and you've got a kid in the back and you want ME to help?! F*ck off! This vehicle and these hands are for me!"

Best way Just fook everybody.. :D
I'll take advice from a guy that wants to know which actor would be best to arse him with a pinch of salt! ( salt with the advice, not the bumming ).
Or you could phone your insurance company and tell them you plan to start recovering stranded vehicles because someone called you selfish on the internet and besides, you drive a land rover so what else would you be doing with it. See what they advise you to do?
Oh, #### it. I'll still keep pulling the genuinely needy out. Wasn't asking for any help. Just wanted to know of any of you lot would do the same.
Fine. Turns out that the majority of us are feckin selfish. Won't bother helping anyone out anymore. " what's that luv? you've got stuck and you've got a kid in the back and you want ME to help?! F*ck off! This vehicle and these hands are for me!"

I take my kids with me so they can wave and laugh at all the silly stuck people :p
Oh, #### it. I'll still keep pulling the genuinely needy out. Wasn't asking for any help. Just wanted to know of any of you lot would do the same.

No chance, the needy wouldn't think twice about suing your arse off if one of your shackles gets embedded in their chin, #### em, let the AA deal with it, or a PROFESSIONAL recovery driver who is TRAINED to deal with such things..
Do you like my USE of capital LETTERS to add some DRAMA to my post?

You could offer them a warm drink while they wait, so long as you don't poison them and watch them choke to death.

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