Good to hear they caught the individuals , wonder if they will just get a slap on the wrist , bloody scum bags

Credit where credit is due to the police that caught them

must confess if I ever had a keyless motor would be turning that off straight away
Does that then just mean they force the locks (door &/or Ignition) the old fashioned way instead?
I don't know because I am not rich enough to have a keyless(clueless?) entry vehicle. ;)

Plus 1 with regards to keyless

good point , with my D3 only got one door lock that’s under a plastic cover , used for emergencies only if the battery goes flat or remote fails , every other doors don’t have the facility for a key

Assume it would be the same for a keyless motor where there’s only one door lock which is used for emergency purposes only

hopefully someone with a keyless will be able to verify that
They would still need to fight the immobiliser to start it. That's not going to be easy.
Keyless entry was an option on my l322, fortunately the OP didn't tick that box so it's only keyless start.
Regular push button fob to open the doors, or a key blade in the passenger door lock.

They say keyless, but I'm pretty sure you can't get in without a key.. unless you have a really modern one where you can authorise your phone to be the key :eek:

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