
New Member
please help me by reading my thread "engine ecu, gearbox, suspension "
I haven't had an answer from 4 different forums.
Somebody must have some kind of thoughts...............I hope !
Thanks Mike
if yer want elp, the least yer could do is post a link to yer fred rather than expecting folks to go looking fer it
So he posts a question at lunch time on a Sunday (in N Wales, a sunny Sunday when anyone not taking their Mother for Mother's Day Lunch is probably out driving/working on their Land Rover) then starts shouting when no one has responded in 2 hours!
I haven't started shouting !
I only posted the question on the general questions area to hope that more people saw it incase most people look here first.
As it's my first time on the site I don't know how to put in a link to the other question I posted which is why I put in " " the title so it could be found easily.
Thank you for your quick reply, Mike
I have now copied my question from the disco section of the site as I don't know how to put in a link, the question is below.

This is also posted in the disco section, Please help if you can.
Can ANYONE please help with this one?
I have a 1999(V reg)4.0 V8 AUto disco 2, milage 63,000.
The problem started with loss of kickdown on the auto box in the middle of a 200 mile journey, apart from that the car was fine.
When I got home and put the car in nuetral the engine raced to 3000 revs and stayed there.I switched it off and left it for a few hrs.
Next time I started the car the revs did the same, I opened the bonnet and tugged the acc cable to rev it higher a few times to see if the cable was stuck open, I don't think it was and the revs went down a few minutes later.
NO problems for the next week at all, starting driving and no high revs but still no kickdown.
I left the car parked for 2 weeks and when I started the car NO problems.
10 mins later after paying for the carpark I pulled out onto a main road and as I accelerated the car nearly stalled and both the sportmode and manual mode gearbox warning lights came on.
I turned it off, back on, same warning lights followed shortly by all the suspension, HDC and ABS lights came on.
I was relayed home to Norwich and put the car into the workshop I use.
They say the gearbox lights are to do with the engine ECU not speaking to the gearbox. The ECU has been sent off for testing twice and they say it's okay. The garage wants to put in a new ECU anyway.
Any Ideas are welcome as I don't want to spend £800 on a new ECU.
Thanks in advance Mike:confused:
sorry mate i havent a clue to much electrickery in these ecu contraptions
deliberatly bought a defender 200tdi as it didnt have one
should be someone here knows about that type of stuff


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