
New Member
hi all, first time here and i need some help, i have a series 3 88 and since the snow of a few weeks ago she has been not running very well, with a maximum speed of about 25mph, it started when i put ther in 4x4 and nothing has changed since, i have so far replaced the fuel filter, fuel pump due to overtighning the lug and snapping it off, today i recieved my cleaned and calibrated injectors back from the specialist, all has been bled and checked and she started fine, the engine has full power nothing seems wrong, i have tried the 4x4 levers in every position, forwards back neutral etc, i have had the floor panels out so many times its getting to be a joke, nothing is stuck or so it seems, but there is just no power to the car, my maximum speed will not get me above 25 ish and using 4th gear is out of the question unless going down hill, please if anyone can give me some advice it would be a great help many thanks, louis
its stuck in low gear ,sometimes the levers which pivot on themselves inside front output hosing come adrift if this is the case your better removing gear box to strip and repair
Whats the engine sounding like when your going at max speed? i.e. is the engine sounding like its working as hard as it can at 25mph or is it sounding healthy and unstressed? Because 25mph in a diesel shouldnt sound like the engines about to pop (though it wont sound like its on tick over either!) How is she pulling away in first? Definately gearbox related i'm sure, possibly clutch slipping? But for it to be clutch, I would expect some serious revs from the engine to even get 25mph. Know on an old nissan had trouble getting into 5th because clutch would slip, but it was worse getting going from 1st..which is why I'm not so sure here.

Not sure, give some more details if you can..
its stuck in low gear ,sometimes the levers which pivot on themselves inside front output hosing come adrift if this is the case your better removing gear box to strip and repair

^^^^this gets my vote^^^^ sounds like it's stuck in low ratio.
Hmm...if it was a problem being in low box then it would not struggle beng on 4th....4th gear low box will be fine uphill or downhill. When yu say max speed of 25...does it sound like it is revving high...for instance in 3rd, at 20MPH does it sound like its reving it's tits off? Or does it sound like how you would expect it to be? If reving very high, then yes, low box.

If it is in low box...read the "what are all dem levers for" thread - you baislclly need to shift the low/high box into high...if it does not work at first, try it a couple of times.
prob got a rolled up sock stuck in front of the lever to stop the draft going up his left leg :D .
reckon hand brakes stuck on and its in high box 2wd
or its stuck in 4wd high box and has different ratio diffs in.
post your location.
still reckon gear box out and remove front housing and refit selector shafts ,it happens when shafts seize in housing there are three that poke out ,one thats attached to red lever and one that yellow rod locates into when pressed down and theother which is the 4wd selector which is worked by pivot of others ,if it sticks in housing you can disconnect it by pulling pivot out
Evening mate :) , That doesnt account for the max speed of 25mph tho bud as its more than likely its stuck in low box .

Possible transmission wind up would make it struggle to move fast.

still reckon gear box out and remove front housing and refit selector shafts ,it happens when shafts seize in housing there are three that poke out ,one thats attached to red lever and one that yellow rod locates into when pressed down and theother which is the 4wd selector which is worked by pivot of others ,if it sticks in housing you can disconnect it by pulling pivot out

You don't need to take gearbox out for that, just remove floor and trans tunnel.

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